I would like to address the concepts of "repentance" and "turning around" and "forgiveness."
This is a deviant mental condition that can certainly induce a LOT of remorse because it is such a heinous act. That said, remorse and "saying sorry" doesn't change what was done and in this type of deviance it does NOT change the liklihood of repeating the crime.
Can therapy?
If it can, where are all the success stories? Where are all the "I Was a 20-Something Pedophile!" bestsellers with the proceeds going to both victims and furthering of successful pedo-therapy? Where are the magazine articles profiling the long-term recovery of pedophiles due to successful therapy? Yeah, there is a powerful stigma attached and naturally most would be reluctant to expose their past in such a way, but if pedophile recovery was commonplace we'd hear both the recovered pedophiles and therapists tooting their horns all the time and in all places.
If recovery was commonplace (or even occasional) one would expect that therapists would have a good number of proven recovered pedophiles to hold up as examples. Where are they?
So there isn't a cure for pedophelia (or at least there clearly isn't a widespread and nearly foolproof one that anyone's heard of). Therefore, one can't say that he "used to be" a pedophile. One IS a pedophile. There IS NO turning around without constant lifetime supervision to enforce proper behavior.
Is there? If so, lets have some links. If not, then can you expect forgiveness for one who hasn't changed? Does the fact that he can't really matter?