Have your JW Relatives Explained about Generation/Overlap Change to You ?

by flipper 269 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    DONNY- Amazing. The guy at your work sounded REALLY confused describing the alleged " generation overlap " theory. These witnesses are so gullible to believe in something they can't even understand. If there is a God- I'm sure he is not THAT deep and hard to understand. LOL !

    CULT CLASSIC- I understand you being upset about this generation change. I feel that way also. My whole JW family has been duped into believing constantly changing definitions of generation - based on what ? Just a magazine printing company's theory's . Nothing more. A magazine printing company who wants to control our relatives and their money.

    DJEGGNOG- I think you've perhaps spiked your eggnog with pretty stout whiskey my friend ! Trying to say that the WT society has the RIGHT to change definitions of what a generation REALLY is - is like saying that cows really jumped over the moon , that it was real. In ANY dictionary it will tell you that a generation lasts 20 to 30 years or so- from the time we are born until we start having children ourselves. Jesus did NOT say " These generations " will not pass away- he said " this generation " in the singular- NOT plural. So you are gravely mistaken in misinterpreting and going along being duped by the WT society's misleading definitions describing what constitutes a " generation ".

    You stated that " The beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are progressive, and have never been static. " Oh really ? To me it sounds like with this new generation " theory " their beliefs are REGRESSIVE or going backwards, backpedaling to cover the WT society's unfulfilled expectations to keep people hooked into their con game longer. When I read your jumbled up attempt at describing this " generation " theory- all I was hearing was STATIC. I think you are being duped and misled is all I'm telling you

  • agonus

    How can/will they explain it if even the GB can't/wont?

  • flipper

    AGONUS- Exactly. If the GB or C.O.'s & D.O.'s giving talks at assembly's have a hard time explaining it or figuring it out- what about rank and file publishers ? LOL ! Like the Proverbs once said " Foolishness has been put in many high positions. " Indeed

  • agonus

    "Joseph had brothers. There. That's your explanation, assholes. Get back to work'

  • flipper

    AGONUS- True, Joseph had brothers , however they weren't 50 to 60 yrs. apart in age I bet ! LOL ! I'm sure they were at the most maybe a 20 yr.age difference from oldest to youngest. So the WT society saying these brothers were the same generation with OLDER ones in their time- doesn't fly. The brothers were just in THEIR generation. Adults their same age - within 20 years

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    flipper - yeah you're absolutely right. After all my life in the religion it boils down to "a publishing company"... gee whiz

    agonus - that's funny and oh so true

  • miseryloveselders

    Hey Flipper, my convention was last weekend. I was doing the attendant thing. At one point I got tired of sitting in my section, so I went to a different level of the facility, and was standing behind a section for disabled and elderly people. It was during the final talk, you know the big generation explanation citation. Well when the speaker mentioned this generation, this one older cat in what appeared to be his 80's tapped this old woman in front of him with a sense of urgency. He did it in a manner where you could tell it was something both he and the woman he was tapping, were awaiting this part. So they readied their notepads. You would think they were anticipating Medicare making an announcement that they're covering Viagra free of charge or something. It was fascinating looking at all in the audience eating it up. I couldn't help but think how many of us "conscious" ones were in attendance.

    Later on, during the drive home, my Grandmother mentioned it to my folks. Then the conversation started. They were all especially happy that they finally understood it. I was thinking to myself, "I explained it to you the night before the WT Study when you didn't understand it!" I had to explain it again when my father called me earlier this week! I'm probably going to have to explain it again in another month or so!!!

    This Generation thing is right up there with the "domestics" of the anointed, the seven trumpet blasts, the king of the north and all the other horse manure those old farts in New York have come up with. I swear half those clowns on the GB should be tested for Alzheimer's.

  • Essan

    Wow, MLE, it's so weird to think of you being at a convention and being an attendant, knowing what you know and thinking as you do. As you say, it makes you wonder how many JW's are like that, maybe even some of those giving the talks. LOL. I couldn't do what you do. I couldn't take it. I'd just want to stand up and scream: "This is all bull****! Can't you see? Wake up! Am I the only one who sees it?" LOL.

    My last meeting was a convention like that. I felt like I had a bomb in my stomach that was blowing up continually all three days. I couldn't listen to the manipulation and guilt tripping and assorted nonsense any longer.

  • miseryloveselders

    Man Essan its strange, I'll admit that. Very strange and awkward at times. I've found that there's enough in WT land that I still agree with that I don't have to promote the nonsense I don't agree with. My father is an Elder, old school Elder too, die hard. Every now and then he lets out criticism of the powers that be in New York. I believe there's a whole bunch of people who have hidden thoughts regarding this organization. Some of the articles I've seen come through the literature indicate to me that even in the Writing Department there are ones who are "aware." There's a poster on here named Winston Churchil who I believe is a CO if I'm not mistaken. There's potential for a schizm in this organization. The question is whats going to spark it? Will it be another Ray Franz, or possibly several of them? Will it be a bad decision regarding a key doctrine that doesn't go over well with the average congregation publisher? Or will it be the slow bleed of young ones leaving and long time members getting increasingly apathetic? Time will tell Essan. I'm glad your on here though. I like reading your posts.

    I'm gonna get ready to hit the sack. I have to lead the group tommorrow. Everybody have a good night.

  • flipper

    CULT CLASSIC- Yeah, it is kind of funny in a weird way isn't it ? WT society is just a publishing company. A dangerous one at that !

    MISERYLOVESELDERS- I agree with you ! Probably ALL the GB members should be tested for Alzheimers ! LOL ! It must have been riveting and interesting for you to watch these older witnesses whisper back and forth when this generation debacle was uncorked ! Yeah, I'd say " horse manure " is a pretty accurate assessment of what the WT society is feeding these people. I bet it was driving you nuts listening to your grandparents discuss it like it's the greatest thing on earth ! I'm going to talk to my family about it as well.

    ESSAN- I hear you. That's one reason I finally stopped attending 7 years ago. Got SO TIRED of the deceit amnd lies. AND the condescending attitudes of elders. I'm glad you got out ! Good for you

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