'Also, it is to the spirit-anointed Christians who will rule in that kingdom that MOST OF THE CHRISTIAN GREEK SCRIPTURE IS DIRECTED.' (Watchtower. June 15, 1974, Pg.8, caps for emphasis)
Justification, Sanctification, Substitutionary Atonement is Officially OUT Says WT
by Perry 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Think About It
This is the kind of stuff along with emphasizing the GB over Jesus in literature, prayers & conversations that just made me think there is no way this can be God's channel & organization. Never mind that the org lacks love & you are treated like crap, but you must show a form of worship that amounts to being a slave of a religious publishing corporation and be willing to die or let your loved ones die over their misguided blood doctrine. On top of these things, then they tell you the bible was not written for YOU, but for theocratic GB type clones? It was only written or applies to you when it is for their control purposes.
Think About It
On top of these things, then they tell you the bible was not written for YOU, but for theocratic GB type clones?
And that REALLY is what this is all about isn't it? The reference to" spirit-annointed christians" is really only a reference to the GB. This is how that statement is clearly understoof to the initiated .
It is the identical view held by the Roman Catholic Church during the Catholic inquisition, even now - The bible belongs to us, not you.
Only the WT takes the additional heretical step of hijacking all of the promises of God as well, like being justified before God.
Most JW's don't realise that theologically, only the GB is Justified before God, since in their view his promises apply only to them now. All, the rest must "grow to perfection".
In Romans it says, "because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight . . . " ( Rom. 3:20 ), and "for we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law," ( Rom. 3:28 ), and "For what does the Scripture say? ‘And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness'" ( Rom. 4:3 ), and "Therefore, having been justified by faith . . . " ( Rom. 5:1 ), and "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness" ( Rom. 4:5 ).
Calvin and Luther predated the Society on Protestant 'Elect' and 'Closed Communion' theology. And now the so-called 'Born Again' movement has its own set of 'thelogically correct' litmus standards.
Tis a pitty its mired humanity down.
Born again theology is ancient, and orignal.
You must be born again said Jesus.
You wouldn't recognize that 1st century Jew if he came up and kissed you on the forehead.
Sitting in the Calvary Chapel church and thumbing through the different hymn books, and literature they had where these great looking pictures of some Nordic guy they called Jesus Christ
Cults are Cults
Every so often it is brought up that the NT (excuse me "Christian Greek" Scriptures) were written only for the annointed. So why are we peons subjected to all the "rules" and brought up on charges for every little infraction if they don't apply to us?
Think About It
So why are we peons subjected to all the "rules" and brought up on charges for every little infraction if they don't apply to us?
Cult control purposes my friend.
Think About It
Deputy Dog
Cults are Cults
That's right! And just because you couldn't recognize one, till after it bit you in the a$$, doesn't mean every church out there is a cult. It just means you need to learn what a cult is.
You gotta layoff that weed your smoking. It's got you paranoid.
Deputy Dog
And that REALLY is what this is all about isn't it? The reference to" spirit-annointed christians" is really only a reference to the GB. This is how that statement is clearly understoof to the initiated.
Your right! I wonder how much it irritates them that the number of memorial partakers is up.