I personally like the "without question" part, the air of authority made my skin tingle, LOL ! I notice NO MENTION of the role of the HS in there, interesting.
Why would you skin tingle? Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign and if you do not want to live under the rulership of His son, Jesus Christ, without your questioning his authority to rule as king over you, then that's your choice to make now and you will get your wish!
Of course the bible doesn't [really] speak of any visible organization or group per [se], other than the apostles and even of those, only John, James and Peter are mentioned, beyond them there was Stephen who was stoned ( only a disciple), there was Jude ( of the epistles) and we know of Mark and Luke and of course Paul, none of them apostles, and beyond them, [certain] individuals are named because of their contributions, but a "[visible] channel" doing God and Jesus's work? No, not unless by "visible channel" you mean inspired individuals, in that case I agree.
So you'd like to think of the first century congregations that were being formed in this place and that as being autonomous units doing their own thing and that the letters that we read in the Bible were being sent to one or two of these congregations and not to all of them in some organized fashion. That's fine, and it's also fine that you read in the Bible how Paul took a dispute over Christian circumcision to "the apostles and older men in Jerusalem," who acted as a governing body during the first century AD to be decided there along with the holy spirit, so that a letter from the governing body was handed to the multitude of Christians in Antioch, Syria. (Acts 15:2-30)
Jesus said the ... HS would guide his followers and that the HS would teach them, I don't recall him mentioning a "visible organization".
When I read the Acts of the Apostles, I take away from it an organized ministerial work taking place with each one in each congregation that Paul and Barnabas visited being a part of a visible organization that were being strengthened and receiving encouragement from those taking the lead, men that were sent to them by the governing body.
Now whether you personally should have a problem with those being appointed to take the lead in God's visible organization today and in being submissive, they are still the ones that have been given these spiritual assignments in Christ "as those who will render an account" (Hebrews 13:17), even if you should choose not to be submissive to them. You are a grown man and are free to choose which God you will obey, which God you will serve, but there are only two, and one of them is not the true God, but is a false god, the god of this system of things, who takes all worship not directed to the true God, Jehovah. (2 Kings 19:15; 2 Corinthians 4:4)
IOW, if you're not serving the true God, then you're serving God's adversary; there is no neutral place between my opinion and yours. There's no "highway." It's either God's way or Satan's, and making the wrong choice will lead to your death. (1 Kings 18:21) However, your failure to submit to their Christ-given authority will be wholly damaging to you.