I never understood why df'd ones would treat other df'd ones like crap. (After all, they COULD talk to each other). But many would "treat" other disfellowshipped just like the Witnesses would. I don't get it.
Something I Never Understood About Disfellowshipped Ones
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
Just comes to show how ingrained the WTS teachings can be.
yeah they treat their own like dirt!
Just shows how deep the WT penetrates one's thinking. It is crazy though right LOL. I find it somewhat humorous.
I used to remember how they'd look down on the other df'd ones.
Thats so comical. Does anybody on this forum have any stories of shunning DFd ones while they were on DFd status too? Its gotta be hilarious to see two DFd people in the grocery store at the opposing ends of an aisle. Probably like a game of blink, which one will go for the 2% milk first? Will they bump into each other? If they do, will they pardon themselves?
The same reason I, while DF'd twice, never stayed the fuck out of the damn cult. It's ingrained so deep that even when you're out, you're in...
Now I'm kicking myself for not staying out that last time I got booted.
my dad cut me totally dead when i was dfd, it was a good five years or more after he was dfd before he spoke to me, and that was only cos my grandad dropped dead, and my mother was on holiday somewhere with his sister and i was trying to track them down.
That's crazy! A df'd dad doesn't talk to his df'd daughter simply because SHE is df'd.
I think it is quite simple and straight forward. The hole thing is nuts.