Df'd ones are "dead" even to other df'd ones.
Something I Never Understood About Disfellowshipped Ones
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
I guess a DF'd one is afraid of being caught talking to another.
if they're caught, then their re-instatement could take longer; than their already long punishment
no more kool aid
I think that is what there are advised to do. For instance two young people get in trouble for the same thing at the same time, they are told don't associate with each other because obviously they are not good association for the other. The elders tell them not to chum around or it will effect their "come back".
I agree with an above poster that says not all DF'ed people are equal. I have Df'ed family members that have been out for decades but they still believe it is "the truth" and would not appreciate hearing about my recent revelations about their beloved religion. They prefer to wallow in self loathing that they cannot live up to the standards of the Jw"s. NMKA
From the Witness elder perspective, all DF'ed people want to return. From the DF'd person's perspective..... some do, some don't. So it makes sense that the elders advise the soon-to-be-returning-one not to speak to the others, in case of being led into bad association blablabla.
Hence what is TOTALLY WEIRD to me is when a DF'ed person who doesn't want to return refuses to greet another DF'ed person who doesn't want to return. What is even WEIRDER to me is that a bunch of intelligent people in the 21st century like us are even having this discussion.
Not me.I always approach other df'd folks and poke fun at the Dubs.