You bring up a good point, ANOTHER pet peeve against god that I have, in mentioning S/Paul.
God intervened in that one's life and that intervention (supposedly) turned Paul's life around. God didn't have to do that. Christianity flourished under ancient Roman rule where persecution continued unabated for centuries. Paul could have continued to oversee the killing of Christians with negligible effect on Christianity as a whole.
For some reason, God/Jesus (whoever) chose to reveal himself to an individual and that revelation had a profound effect. Wouldn't such a 'divine' revelation also positively impact the lives of many of the rest of humanity if god stepped off of his high horse and did so?
Have you read the postings of our friend AGuest (Shelby)? If not, God speaks to Shelby. Well... God don't speak to teejay and never has. After more than four decades of life (admittedly, barely a twinkling of an eye to God) I have seen no lightning bolts, heard no voices audibly or otherwise, seen absolutely no tangible evidence of a god at all. (for more of my thoughts on this, see ) In my opinion, the fact that Saul 'saw the light' and benefited from it means NOTHING. Most humans would instantly benefit when hearing/seeing some believable evidence in a living god.
You asked Frenchy: If we are the masters of our own fate or destiny....then who needs a GOD?
My answer: Good question!!
For bible believers, in Jesus' day and through him, God raised a couple from the dead and cured a few sick people. Since then, examining the record of history, what has god done for mankind? How is one's faith in God bolstered when all... ALL... of the improvements made in the areas of medicine, social and political injustice, prediction of damaging geophysical calamities, etc. is being made by right-hearted HUMANS? Where has God *been*? Locked in the bathroom? Smiling when there are advancements and shrugging his shoulders when there isn't? Who knows, and that is my point.
Now I am of the opinion that much of scripture cannot be understood and that this is by design. I don’t think the Bible is deliberately misleading us by its omissions but rather causes many of us to simply look harder and deeper.
A believer cursed with a rational mind is eventually forced to reach this conclusion. As a thinking skeptic, for me it's just another huge oddity, puzzle, thing that makes you say, "hmmm..."
If the bible is not to be understood, if it's simply meant (in part) to keep humans mentally challenged/occupied over millennia, then where is its true value other than that?
If it's meant to be understood, it could be way less ambiguous (<---- understatement of the decade). If, for my daughter, my aim is to leave behind a record of me and a guide for successful living—AND THAT'S ALL SHE'LL EVER HAVE—I will make damn sure to write clearly in words she will understand.
Sure, some of the issues I discuss in the document will be ones she could not understand as a two-year-old, but by the time she reached womanhood and beyond, my words--every one of them--would gradually take on useful meaning. Loving her more than life itself, I would want her to make the most of her life and would have zero interest in muddying her mind with useless puzzles and mysteries that I knew she would never understand.
But hey! That's me.