Sorry to hear that, burn. I remember how horrible I felt when ran over someone else's dog on the way to work. I can only imagine the feeling when it's your own.
Ran over my dog today
by BurnTheShips 74 Replies latest jw friends
That is so sad. I feel sorry for your loss. Though accidents do happen, it is still a sad situation.
My condolences go out to you. I can't imagine how that feels. I have been fortunate in that I have only hit a few birds in my years of driving.
Thank you all.
how awful! I'm so sorry.
I'm so very, very sorry to hear this.
Thank you all.
Awwww ... you know we uns wuv you.
I feel better now.
This morning, my wife saw me pull back up to the drive, and she saw the dog.
She started crying. I didn't I was just numb and angry, plus, I had an appointment I had to make.
She was puzzled by my reaction, I just brushed her off and said "I refuse to cry over an animal. It is irrational."
I just felt sicker and sicker as the day wore on.
Little BTS said: She is dead? Let me get some band-aids.
He is too young to understand.
She was a great dog. Great with the kids. Loving. Super obedient...she wouldn't go upstairs unless she had just had a bath. She knew.
She was brave... would chase off bears and even tree them. 15 lbs of fury.
She had 4 beautiful puppies back in 2006.
I'm sorry to hear that. Nothings worse than loosing a pet.
I lost one of my 4 cockers 2 months ago and it still hurts.
In Mexico that would happened if you are hungry