Man, thats really awfull. I hope she didnt suffer.
Ran over my dog today
by BurnTheShips 74 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Feel better. I know easier said than done.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Many years ago I lost my dog in a similar way.
I remember how awful it was accidentally running over a stray cat, thought about it for days.
I would not want to trade places................. sorry
Sorry to hear that, same happened to me a few years ago, I ran over our 15 year old cat who had fell asleep in the engine bay. Feels horrible!
I'm so sorry, Burns.
Jeeze, burn, that's terrible. I am so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. When I was a kid, my dad ran over our dog. He was a wreck... Hang in there.
I have three parakeets and 2 cats. I used to have four. One flew out while I was cleaning the cage. The cats got it in less than 5 seconds.
White Dove
Oh what a beautiful dog! I'm so sorry