"Thanks for posting these.
They prove quite false the claims of Alice/Consfearacy, and if I recall correctly Djeggnog, that one has to to be actively seeking to lead others away from the congregation by preaching contrary doctrines before one can be DF'd as an apostate:
"A person would be disfellowshipped for trying to proselytize inside the Kingdom Hall or using connections with witnesses that are not elders, relationships they formed after Baptism to proselytize or press counter doctrines for destructive purposes...As for ex-communication, a person doesn't get disfellowshipped for... disagreeing...They get disfellowshipped for taking an active stand against the organization."
Not that we needed such proof, seeing as many here have been DF'd for simply disagreeing with the Sociey, without trying to 'proselytize', but it helps to shut the mouths of lying Watchtower apologists.
(I had to click on images and select 'open in new tap' to see them)"
It proves nothing towards that end. For starters the integrity of the document is in question as to whether it has been tampered with. You may try falling back on something official that is actually in use by the organization.
w86 10/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers
What is the fitting response of the congregation if someone leaves the true Christian faith and joins another religion?
One dictionary defines apostasy as “renunciation of one’s religion, principles, political party, etc.” Another says: “Apostasy . . . 1 : renunciation of a religious faith 2 : abandonment of a previous loyalty.” Accordingly, Judas Iscariot was guilty of a form of apostasy when he abandoned the worship of Jehovah God by betraying Jesus. Later, others became apostates by deserting the true faith even while the apostle John and other early disciples were alive. John wrote: “They went out from among us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us.”—1 John 2:19.
What is to be done when a similar thing happens today? The elders, or shepherds, of the congregation might learn of a baptized Christian who has ceased associating with Jehovah’s people and who has apparently become associated with another religion. In harmony with Jesus’ words about being concerned about any stray sheep, the spiritual shepherds should be interested in helping such a person. (Matthew 18:12-14; compare 1 John 5:16.) But what if the shepherds designated to look into the matter determine that the person no longer wants to have anything to do with Jehovah’s people and is determined to remain in a false religion?
They would then simply announce to the congregation that such one has disassociated himself and thus is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Such a person would have ‘abandoned his previous loyalty,’ but it is not necessary for any formal disfellowshipping action to be taken. Why? Because he has already disassociated himself from the congregation. Likely he is not trying to maintain contact with his former brothers so as to persuade them to follow him. For their part, the loyal brothers are not seeking fellowship with him, since ‘he went out from them, for he was not of their sort.’ (1 John 2:19) Such a disassociated person who ‘has gone out from us’ might begin to send letters or literature promoting false religion or apostasy. That would underscore that the individual definitely ‘is not of our sort.’
Getting back to the letter, if someone believes counter doctrines that are diametrically opposed to what the Bible teaches, why would they be associating with Jehovah's Witnesses? If a person believes all the doctrines taught by orthodox Judaism for example, why would they be in a Kingdom Hall if they reject Jesus as the Messiah? Or why would I be in a Jewish synagogue if accept Jesus as an authentic prophet of God? As long as I kept what I believed to myself, nobody will know about it, but when I start communicating what I believe with others, problems will develop in either place of worship. For the most part, people don't do this sort of thing in other religions, but people have attempted to inject information that is counter to what the Bible teaches into the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses so the matter has to be given due attention.