Well Alice, I'd have to say, if I was a JW I'd be really disappointed in you. You posted a suicide picture on a forum filled with people that are trying to get help from coming out of a cult? Whether you agree with this site or not...bad form Alice...bad form.
Protect The Flock Letter From 1980
by Bangalore 77 Replies latest watchtower bible
The avatar was the least of your problems Alice. You still belong to a demon inspired organization.
There are many here who posted their stories of being molested by JW pedophiles or have children who were molested at the Hall or who have tried to expose pedophiles and been slapped for it by the JW's.
Alice has chased them around this board, calling them all LIARS!!!!
I hope this is a little bit of justice for the ones he/she/it has hurt.
I think especially of Avishai. And LifeIsTooShort.
Darth plaugeis
Nice to hear from the voice of reason......
You're back!!!
So you didn't slide off a mountain, after all...
We got our face-rippin' monkey back!!
"You're a fucking lying bitch or fuckhead bastard. Fortunately for you, there are moderators here that take your side and took the offending pictures down, or you did it."
It's nice to see leaving the "cult" has made you a better person. You said some things similar to what you just said and I posted a picture. Do you not remember what you said? Case closed.
and I posted a picture.
So......now you DID post the picture?
" It's nice to see leaving the "cult" has made you a better person."
and what has being in the cult done for you ?