No no, let Alice talk. The rabbit hole provides lovely acoustics.
Protect The Flock Letter From 1980
by Bangalore 77 Replies latest watchtower bible
"...if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah"... (wait for it)... "as presented by the faithful and discreet slave".
That's right. Not the "teachings of Jehovah". The "teachings of Jehovah" as expounded by you-know-who.
Bullshit like this makes me proud to be what the slaveful ones would consider an "apostate".
"It's not about being in the Kingdom Hall if they reject Jesus. Many feel trapped in the Kingdom Hall because they have come to know Jesus as the Messiah.
But the WTS claims to be the only Channel to God rather than teach what the Bible evidently says: That Jesus is the one Mediator between God and men (all men).
Unfortunately you don't seem to have eyes to see that or ears to hear it. You're blinded by the traditions of men and maybe one day you'll understand that
some who go to the Kingdom Hall, have to, because otherwise they would be shunned if they revealed they love Jesus more than some man-made organization."
We are the "conscious class," and there are thousands of us. Deal with it. (Matthew 5:3)"
What you're quoting was written by the apostle Paul in 61-64 C.E., but notice what he stated in conclusion:
This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—[this is] what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times. For the purpose of this witness I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—a teacher of nations in the matter of faith and truth. 1 Timothy 2:3-7
Jesus is mediator between God and men through prayer, that's why the scripture finishes off with Paul as an appointed teacher of nations in the matter of faith and truth. As for the “WTS claims to be the only Channel to God,” it's the papacy of Rome that maintains it is built upon the apostle Peter as “this rock” (Also, I say to you, You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation, Matthew 16:18) and that every apostolic successor is infallible on matters of faith and morals up to Pope Benedict XVI.
wt chap. 14 pp. 131-132 par. 9 How Does Jehovah Direct His Organization?
At times, questions arise regarding doctrine and procedure. What then? Acts chapter 15 tells us how an issue regarding Gentile converts was resolved. The matter was referred to the apostles and older men at Jerusalem, who served as a central governing body. Those men were not infallible, but God used them. They considered the scriptures on the subject and also the evidence of the operation of God’s spirit in opening the Gentile field. Then they rendered a decision. God blessed that arrangement. (Acts 15:1-29; 16:4, 5) From that central body, individuals were sent out to further the Kingdom preaching.
What a tangled web Leon would Weaver when he first he practices as deceiver...
Alice's avatar is smoking AND holding a cross. How apostaful!
That apostitude is absolutely apostible.
I am shocked and apostified!
Alice, you keep posting the same tired and lame arguments over and over.
Your points have been debunked many times.
Don't you read or, more importantly, investigate what anyone else says here?
In the New System of Things, you and I shall Futterwacken vigorously.
I've observed Jehovah's Witnesses get the silent treatment from friends and relatives simply because of becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 30 years I have had no friends that have been disfellowshipped for apostasy. I never read information from opposers until the internet. I took the information and showed it to the elders at my Hall. They encouraged me not to read it, but there were no warnings about anything relating to being disfellowshipped. I've at times e.mailed information from here to lifelong witness friends and family:
When I was in my late teens and early twenties I'd go to various nightclubs with other kids raised as Jehovah's Witnesses that abused alcohol. The elders had something to say about it but none of them were disfellowshipped. I've seen various ones go missing from the meetings. Many more times than not it's because they don't want to be there. If the elders call on them and they tell them they no longer believe in it, there will be no announcement made.
The mistake you are making Alice is thinking that your solitary experience is the norm; it isn't.
In fact, it depends greatly where you are at, what congregation of course, but what your social situation is in the congregation.
Likely, if you are isolated, no mate, and no other family in the truth, you will be viewed differently by the elders, and treated differently than someone who is an elder's mate, daughter or son.
As for the idea that you can trust public editions of the watchtower more than insider documents, are you really that pollyanna?
It's only normal for a person to disclose their sincere beliefs but mingling in contemporary society has taught me to have some reservation about using friends and family as a network to press religious and political viewpoints if they don't agree.
There is no such thing in the organization as disclosing any belief that is at odds with official and current doctrine; all opinions must conform, especially from those who are not in perfect attendance at the meetings.
Only an elder or CO would be able to own up to 'having his own ideas about' something.