My wife & I are conscious-class faders. She still likes to read the Daily Text, just for different reasons now. Today's text mentioned "serious sins" and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The concept of "serious" or "gross" sin is ridiculous within JW theology.
If you commit a crime that warrants the death penalty, that's serious from where I sit.
Per the JWs, ALL sin is potentially a capital offense.
Ergo, ALL sin is "serious".
Ergo, calling any sin "serious" is a waste of letters since the capital-punishment nature of sin is well understood by unworthy, guilt-ridden JWs.
Why go tell the elders about "serious" sins when a bit of unrepentant pride, greed or gluttony can keep you out of paradise just as easily?
Just a little brain fart I had today while enjoying a guilt-free cup of coffee with my post-JW wife.
Life is good.