Racial question about the annointed aka 144,000...

by Joliette 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joliette


    You hit on the mark....bulleye!!!!

    I dont understand why the WTBTS tries to make themselves out to be like there so different. The truth about the truth is that their not different like they claim to be. Just like you said, its all just business as usual. Having power over people's lives gets them 'off'. Dont even get me started on that

    flitered 'Faith in Action' DVD that the GB just released. OMG that David Splaine guy comes off as the biggest douche bag on that planet, wanna be bible scholar know it all. And how they had the token black gov't body member (Sam Herd) 'host' the beginning of the program. Nope, its not gonna cut it. Stop trying to make yourselves out to be different. Your just the same.

  • blondie

    joliette, you asked if all the anointed are white....during the time from 1879 till around 1970, congregations tended to be mostly white. Until 1935 members of the WTS (known as Bible Students) were mostly all anointed, men and women and reflected the racial climate of the time.

    Today I would say most jws are black or brown and less are white by percentage. If you live in an area where most people are white, most jws will be white. If the community is mostly black or brown, then jws reflect that.

    Not all 144,000 have been selected between 1879 and today per the WTS. All Christians in the first century were anointed and reflected the racial breakdown of their areas. After the 1964 official end to segregation and other racial barriers (still many to get rid of though), More and more blacks were arnointed and/or used black men in administrative positions.

    I have seen many black COs, DOs, and speakers at the circuit assemblies and district conventions. All are potential candidates as being anointed. Black jw women like white jw women, even though anointed, have no importance or status.

  • jamiebowers
    It had NOTHING to do with race but more to do with their numbers getting to big to match the doctrine.

    I don't know about that. In the early years of the Watchtower, people's color was believed to be imperfection. As a matter of fact, it was taught that blacks would become white when they reached perfection. I'm not sure the date or publication, but I've seen scans of it online several times.

  • Joliette


    While what your are saying does makes since from a demographical standpoint, I think that if this was truly God Organization, the truth, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, (like they always make themselves out to be) then there would be more people of color, (and women) on top. I just find it intresting that all of the annointed that I've ever came across, rather in person, or hearing a talk on tape, were ALL WHITE. I'm like, damn, Jehovah most really only like white people, no other races is going to be up in heaven with him (just joking) LOL.

    Like I said, what do you expect from the rub a dubs?

  • Joliette

    Blondie, thank you, once again, I do recongize the demographics, laws, different time periods, etc. But If Jehovah is such a 'just God' a God who loves all unconditional, no matter what, who, or how, why did he choose mostly white people to be apart of the annointed?? I understand what your saying, but its just the WTBTS...it makes no sense to me. Its funny how a 'Dub' tries to justify things. Not sayin you, blondie.

  • notverylikely

    I don't know about that. In the early years of the Watchtower, people's color was believed to be imperfection.

    While that is true, that was not an overtly "racist" position for the times. By the time it was commonly accepted what a shitty horrible position that was, the number and date was set, etc., etc. Just remember they were products of their time.

    if this was truly God Organization, the truth

    You and me both know it ain't :)

    all of the annointed that I've ever came across, rather in person, or hearing a talk on tape, were ALL WHITE. I'm like, damn, Jehovah most really only like white people

    Heck man, I'm a jew and in the mags jesus looks like a freakin Aryan Roman German type from 1930.

  • Joliette

    Heck man, I'm a jew and in the mags jesus looks like a freakin Aryan Roman German type from 1930

    What magazine is this? Whenever I've seen protrayals of Jesus in the Watchtower publications, he's always had dark hair with olive colored skin (ex. the greatest man on earth' book).

  • notverylikely

    What magazine is this? Whenever I've seen protrayals of Jesus in the Watchtower publications, he's always had dark hair with olive colored skin (ex. the greatest man on earth' book).

    All of them. Olive skin? He's Whitey McWhiterson. Like this one...

  • Joliette

    Yeah, I always thought the watchtower Jesus was 'kinda dark' dark features, etc.

  • notverylikely

    Yeah, I always thought the watchtower Jesus was 'kinda dark' dark features, etc.

    That's funny. For a middle eastern jew from 2000 years ago I always thought he was way to tall, light and Northern European looking.

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