"We know we're the elite - chosen ones. Yet, we take seriously our responsibility to see that the Negro receive some of the scraps from our banquet table."
Yes Snowbird,
And their stance on education, is intended to keep us recieving scraps.
by Joliette 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"We know we're the elite - chosen ones. Yet, we take seriously our responsibility to see that the Negro receive some of the scraps from our banquet table."
Yes Snowbird,
And their stance on education, is intended to keep us recieving scraps.
I'm getting a sense from this thread that some really do believe in the cultish concept of a "great crowd" and the selected "anointed".
Whether we believe or not, WT definitely isn't it.
Most religions have a standard they are supposed to follow (including WT). We're using their equipment to sniff out the rat.
They're just a bunch of serious deluded white folks with Alzheimer's and really bad breath, who have been overcome by the Watchtower's idea of being "anointed". It isn't much different from Hitler's "Master Race", which he also got from the Bible.
Even if Revelation was a literal book, the qualifier for being "chosen" is to be decapitated for being a Christian, not spending a few decades running around with a book bag selling Watchtower rags in between really long coffee breaks. Aside from that, according to the Bible, no one is "chosen" yet, only "called". But of course, the New World Translation deletes that little tidbit.
They're just a bunch of serious deluded white folks with Alzheimer's and really bad breath, who have been overcome by the Watchtower's idea of being "anointed."
LOL PS and good point. I was relieved of a tremendous burden once I realized I wasn't special for having been born a JW.
i personaly knew two of the 144000....
one a black female, the other an asian man.
i used to sit and ponder their heavnly hope as a child during the meetings.
it was especially exciting during the memorial. i wonder if they felt all the eyes in the joint upon them?
Yes, it's funny how the self-appointed "representative" and "spokesman" for the FDS are male, mostly white and mostly American.
I've met two people who claimed to be anointed: a very old man in Brisbane who always smelt of (ahem) semen, and an elderly lady in Melbourne who was always the subject of gossip in our congregation because she never went to conventions, apparently because she was agoraphobic, but possibly because she was old, had heard it all before and just couldn't see the point.
^ Thanks for you comment Mr. Monroe.
My 2 cents,
During the 60's and 70's, all of the anointed were people who had become consecrated (the old term for dedicated) before 1935, in fact virtually all who came in before '35 believed they were going to heaven. This meant that nearly all of the anointed living at that time (the ones who did not leave in the 20's and 30's, aka the remnant) came from the areas of the world where most of the Bible Students pre-1935 had been concentrated. In those days it was mostly a white American religion. It is worth noting that many if not most of the Russellites in the 1800's had been believers in the teachings of William Miller or its offshoots. The Millerites had been concentrated in the American Northeast - very little presence in the American south. This was partly due to many of the prominent early Adventists were staunch abolitionists, and the anti-slavery rhetoric didn't go over very well in the South. The JWs continued to be a predominantly white religion until probably the 70's or 80's.
Nowadays, it is another matter, as virtually all of the anointed now date to after '35, including the WT leadership. If we had full demographics of the WT religion I think we would find that the majority of Witnesses; 1. reside outside the US, 2. are not English speakers, 3. are non-white. The original poster's question is a good one; why doesn't the JW leadership resemble the JW community in ethnicity? Does this not represent an inherent racism?
Also, I do recall looking at a 1920's JW yearbook once and was surprised to see a section about the work among 'our colored brethren' in the south. Of course it was segregated and they continued to have segregated congregations in the South into the 60's. Were not these ones in the 20's also anointed, and why didn't any of them ever find their way to WT leadership?
Any Chinese in the 1440000??