Racial question about the annointed aka 144,000...

by Joliette 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • teel

    Joliette: consider, that as to my knowledge, the majority of the annointed are from USA. It's not only racism, but nationalism. God really doesn't seem so impartial if we're to believe He actually has chosen them one by one.

    I live in an eastern European country. I never in my 10 years of JWism have seen an annointed with my eyes, except twice when a GB member visited the zone. I can tell for certain there is not one in the whole district - there might be a couple in the country, but I never heard of them (JW population is 40000+). Reading the forums here it seems quite common (or at least not strange) in the States that a congregation has one.

  • Lozhasleft

    Trust me I've been there and got the Tshirt - the anointed aren't the 'elite' of the congo..not at all...first its the elders, then their wives, then their kids, then their mates...

    Loz x

  • Quillsky

    The only "anointed" person I've got to know, the father of a friend, was a total fruitloopy nutcase.

    Bless him. It takes a special kind of person to stick ones head out in a conformist religion and say "I'm different".

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Can I turn the question around?

    How many black Americans, Hispanics etc have claimed to be of the anointed? If not, why not?

    And if they did claim to be anointed, what was the response? Were they accepted as anointed, or not?

  • Girlie

    I've only met one suppose black annointed member. I found nothing of significance about him that stood him out different from the earthly class. I believe the same to be true about any of these so-called annointed, whether they are the collective FDS or of the GB or whatever other term they apply to themselves.

    Although many of the questions asked here are thought-provoking, it only shows how bizzare this cult truly is.

  • snowbird
    I am a Black American, and I was a JW for 31 years before finding out that the WT at one time taught that Black people are an inferior race due to the curse Noah placed on Ham's grandson, Canaan.
    You can check it out for yourselves:
    Zion's WT 08-01-1898
    Golden Age (now Awake!) 11-30-1927
    07-24-1929 ---- Colored people are a race of servants.
    The Watchtower 02-01-1952 ---- Colored people are meek and teachable, most increase comes from their ranks.

    I compiled this so that I could send it to various newspapers in areas where JW's have their district conventions.


  • BurnTheShips
    Hispanics etc have claimed to be of the anointed?

    I've known a few.


  • BurnTheShips
    Colored people are meek and teachable, most increase comes from their ranks.

    Do you consider that to be a racist statement, in the WT context?

    It would seem to me that it was meant as a praise.

    "Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth."

    "I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven."


  • snowbird
    Do you consider that to be a racist statement, in the WT context?

    I consider it patronizing.

    Ever hear of any Whites referred to as meek and teachable in WT literature?


  • PSacramento

    The 144k are Jewish, it says so in Revelation.


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