Sex before marriage. feeling guilty

by frigginconfused 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    God doesn't care if you have sex.

  • notverylikely

    Ahem....hit that shit like the fist of an angry god.

    And, as per SixofNine....grow the fuck up.

  • wasblind

    StAnn, I see we women have a different opinion from the men.

  • notverylikely

    StAnn, I see we women have a different opinion from the men.

    When he said "she will fall in love too fast" it seems to me that he was taking the decision away from her presuming she couldn't handle it. If she's not adult enough to have sex in what way would she be adult to enough to handle a relationship? What gives him the right to make that decision for her?

  • frigginconfused

    Just to let you all know more. Im in my 30's. So im not a kid. I was married 10 years and thats why all the fuss. I dont wanna screw up anymore of my life. Got snipped so no chance of oops babies. I wear protection so no disease.

    Just really do want to please God. Not hurt this girl. And protect my integrity in the process.

    Im not here asking for permission. I could care less what everyone thinks. Im still gonna do what I think best. But im not stupid. Its always better to hear others viewpoints on things. You get no new info just in your own head.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Heres a to her about it.

  • frigginconfused

    Im talking to her about it right now. Good advice. You were about 5 minutes after i contacted her. lol

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    It won't be easy not to feel the guilt because it has been beaten INTO YOUR VERY BEING.

    I ended up having well..... not the greatest thoughts or feelings of God when I left.......... I could C ARE less what GOD thought about what I was doing...... but wouldn't you know....... I felt I was doing something VERY WRONG by having sex... and not Being Married. It was very funny(not really).

    You know your not going to Hell or God will Destroy you..... I know you probably believe that. Examples in the Bible show many FAMOUS poeple of FAITH had the sin of..... SEX And No Marriage.

    Yes Why cause problems you don't need because of sex...... just try to get over the Guilt part.... Life IS too SHORT to worry about things that should be normal.

    At least your not a Male Whore.... like some of us.

    Shy Whistler

  • frigginconfused

    Nice to have a place to freak out instead of calling friends or familly. i like the anonymity

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Ok thats why we're here...

    Now stop acting like a wuss and take care of that Girl.

    just kidding

    Bachelorette Party

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