Sex before marriage. feeling guilty

by frigginconfused 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomisntfree

    Maybe this has been said but I think you should evaluate what MARRIAGE is, God made the first union right from there on in every marriage at least in most cultures was only considered real when it was consumated.

    So whats the real marriage the ceramony or the wedding night?Every sexual relationship a person enters into is a sort of marrital union in my mind weather its for one night or 50 years.God blessed that first marriage since then who knows what marriages he considers legit and what ones he doesnt .dont get bogged down on trying to rationalize it. God knows you to the core of your being and intentions matter So if your feelings are sincere and your intentions are good with this girl why wouldnt God bless your physical union

  • Highlander

    Does god bless the physical union between my dog and the couch?

  • mrsjones5

    Does god bless the physical union between my dog and the couch?

    I don't know about that but I got a good one about men and furniture:

    "In Victorian times, “limbs” was used as a euphemism for “legs,” which were thought to be so exciting to men as to cause a sexual frenzy. Thus, table skirts were invented to prevent unnatural unions between a man and furniture."

    Saw it on the history channel

  • frigginconfused

    freedomisntfree i had the same thought myself. Bikers dont get married legally they have biker weddings. Man if you ever get to go to one its a blast! Anyway, Ive known more biker marriages to last alot longer than real ones. And if the marriage isnt working all you gotta do is throw the ol' lady off the back of the bike! LOL!!!!

  • mimimimi

    I haven't had time to read all the posts, but I wanted to say one thing. I would never marry someone I had never had sex with before marriage. How do you know what you are getting?

  • Leprechaun

    What! Have you ever heard of STD? Maybe you better stay with Rosie and her sisters.

  • mimimimi

    I am with Mrs. Jones and leprechaun. Though I have no problem with sex before marriage, or better termed sex without marriage, you have to practice safe sex and avoid STD's, HIV, and pregnancies. And definitely do as Mrs. Jones says and educate yourself regarding sexuality. Theres a wealth of information out there, and it didn't come from the Watchtower Society either (theirs is called misinformation).

  • Ding

    Abstinence before marriage is a biblical concept (1 Corinthians 7:25), not just something the Watchtower dreamed up.

    So it seems to me that you need to decide whether to trust the Bible or whether to toss it aside along with the Watchtower.

    Once you make up your mind on that key issue, what those of us on this forum think about sex outside of marriage is irrelevant.

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