Okay, NVL... back from vacation, so I can respond a bit more now :)
Huh? Jesus, Paul and God were always clear when they meant one or the other. (spiritual or physical life and death, NVL - just to refresh your memory ;))God maybe meant the Isrealites were the spiritually kill their enemies? Clearly not. Maybe they were supposed to metaphorically sprinkle the blood of sacrifices on the altar? Clearly not.
Jesus and God may have been clear, but that doesn't mean that people understood them. Seems like an oxymoron, I know... but Jesus also said turn the other cheek - and how many people do that, or even understand enough to believe that's what he meant? If we're not listening 'in spirit' then how can we understand a spiritual matter?
Sacrifices... I think there's a scripture that says God never asked for sacrifices, but I'm going cross-eyed looking for it. Give me a bit, and I'll find it. As for OT wars, etc... I don't know. I can speculate, but not with any real confidence yet. Perhaps some of what I say below will shed some light on what I think about that. But I believe that a lot of what man did regarding worship and holy war was what man 'thought' God wanted, and not so much what God actually wanted.
Dear Tec, Jesus said the Pharisees and the behavior of the Jews was wrong, not that old scriptures were wrong. He never said that story was wrong. Conjecture and wishful thinking again, my dear. Jesus was very clear about what was wrong and he never mentioned that story.
Dear NVL :), Jesus did say that the behavior was wrong, yes... and also that the understanding was wrong and that love and mercy were lacking. He also said that they had been given certain rules and allowances because their hearts were hard. Meaning, at least to me, that they could not have 'heard' anything better at the time.
"Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning."
Then Jesus then goes on to correct the allowance they had been given about divorce; in the same manner as I believe he corrected in the following instances:
"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also..." Matthew 5:38-39
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven..." Matthew 5:43-45
Jesus was very clear when he spoke about what was wrong, you say, but not everything that Jesus said and did are written down. Should he have gone through every single thing... or just enough that we should be able to get the point? Consider that He also asked the jews why they could not make a 'right' decision, or judge for themselves what was right. I think we should be able to apply the things he said to assist in our understanding, even of things not written.
As a side note, perhaps no one had a problem understanding the Adam/Eve story - so no one asked, 'hey, what's up with Adam and Eve not dying right away?'
It's not hard to consider, it's just that there is zero evidence for it and saying that's what he meant is wishful thinking. He spoke of the days of Noah and the flood as a literal event as well, remember.
It isn't wishful thinking, because I wasn't worried about this story to begin with. But listening to Christ's words -and applying them- just seemed to make this passage clear... to me.