Everything which exists has its own nature.
That nature...that each-ness...distinguishes it from every other thing.
Humans have their own individuality among their species.
Each individual has an individual nature while still fitting into the spectrum of variation possible.
Having said all of that, I say this. Escape from your nature is impossible.
What man does and did stems from how man's nature causes him to act.
Our value heirarchy allows us to pursue goals and purposes according to our nature.
For Adam, being like God was topmost in his heirarchy of values.
This made the value of obedience secondary.
The "fall" of man is merely an unfortuante description of man pursuing his own nature.
God does not get to either punish or rescue mankind untill man "falls".
Those who are destroyed and those who are saved was decided by God BEFORE man was created with the very nature that made
the salvation or damnation possible.
In short: the game is rigged to make God the hero.
If you want to read a magnificent novel about the GODGAME read John Fowles' masterpiece: THE MAGUS.
The Magus (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Magus (1966) is the first novel written (but second published) by British author John Fowles. It tells the story of Nicholas Urfe, a teacher on a small ...
Background - Plot summary - Characters - Ending