We are feeding the answers to the Bethel Lurkers!!

by clarity 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • clarity

    Farkel ...... thanks for that info, I didn't know what it was that forced the exposure of the UN membership! Kind of makes your blood run cold doesn't it! To think, at one time I used to believe that every word out of their mouths was .................Holy! Live & learn....holy s#*t!


  • exwhyzee

    If they use this site to find out what is bothering people in the Organization and why people leave, it may be a good thing. I don't have a problem with it if they use this info to improve things and make things better for those Witnesses who choose to or have to stay. When I called the Bethel office, I asked my questions and related my situation to them and I asked why they don't have some sort of forum where Witnesses can air their grievences, make suggestions and let those taking the lead know what is going on. I told them that many good people are dying on the vine for want of a way to get their questons answered and be heard without fear of being thought of as Apostate.

    The good news is that with the Internet, anyone can now fully understand what it is they are getting into before they get their lives totally consumed by this organization. I wish I had known more about their background and the real experiences of others from around the world, before I spent so many years believing everything they said. Those that have built their life around it already or have family who have, are stuck or have to undergo a major upheaval. It's very telling about the organization, if they have individuals lurking in the shadows in order to find out what people are really thinking. Any organization, secure within itself, would be able to face it's own people and ask for their input.

  • undercover

    I get what you're saying Clarity... and as has been noted, we know that they monitor. Even if they manage to print some shit that counters some complaints/gripes, there's nothing they can do to cover up their doctrinal changes.

    In other words... you can't fix stupid.

    Pyramids, 607, 1914, 1975, generation, overlapping generation, blood doctrine, flip flops, child abuse, assorted other scandals... they're all evident to anyone who does just a casual search into this religion. And to anyone interested enough to research and see the evidence and accept reality, there's nothing the WTS can do to reverse the enlightment that has happened.

  • wasblind

    The internet is a loaded gun, pointing at the head of the WTS

    and it's loaded with WT literature that is very damning to the

    society, the WTS and apologist try to discredit ex-JW's like

    Barbara Anderson and the Late Ray Franz who were once on the inside

    It's getting harder to do when so many can view so much on the net.

  • LongHairGal

    How can any lurker with a sincere heart fail to see the wrong with his religion after reading all these stories? And, once coming to the ultimate sickening conclusion, how can he stay there? He would have to be either a heartless company man or somebody who is not in a position to leave just yet.

    I doubt it very much if many posts are just 'made up'. If anything, I would suspect the posts made by trolls are made up.

  • yknot

    I would assume that those assigned to lurk are strong of company mind (us versus them). Their lurking would have to be limited, documented and probably rotated.....

    Those assigned and who 'wake up' may choose to stay as many of our independent Bethel lurkers have, they are good hearted men who either can't leave or feel that more can be accomplished by them to help change the direction of the WTS and lessen the burden of the R&F pushing love over company mentality.

    We all have our own journey out of the WTS, some of us just don't get to leave physically as fast as others......

    Being awake and present in the WTS is a growing trend......

  • peacedog

    Clarity: I would say absolutely yes.

  • Quillsky

    My open message to Bethelites reading here:

    I understand that Bethel is your lifestyle, your only current income, probably what your JW family outside of Bethel wants for you. But deep down I think you know that's it's not an authentic way of life for you.

    Think seriously about getting out and being true to yourself. Many here on www.jehovahs-witness.net would be willing to help you if you were to reach out to them.

  • clarity

    Thanks to all of you for the great thoughts and information. The enormous collection of knowledge and intellect available is really mind boggling! Wish I'd found it sooner.


  • dogon

    Bethel is the easy way out. It is a place for people who do not want to compete in the real world. It is easier to lay down and be treated like a dog than to make your own way. This is one reason the religion appeals to some people. I had a cousin that did not want to save money and wanted to go in debt and spend like there is no tomorrow. The cult gave her the excuse to do so. Now she and her husband are looking at 60 and have nothing to fall back on for retirement. They told me when I worked with them in the 80s, as I saved part of each check in the bank, that it was a waste and they would help me throw it in the streets when the big A came round. Well I have been semi retired for a few years now in a home that is paid for and an income that I do not have to work for and they are still trying to scratch out a living. It is a simple religion for simple minded people.

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