We are feeding the answers to the Bethel Lurkers!!

by clarity 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wantingtruth

    Yes , "we are feeding the Betel lurkers"

    here there is an absolutely true promission for the GB :

    from Ezekiel 21 :

    25. 'And you, O slain, wicked one,the prince of Israel,whose day has come, in the time of the punishment of the end,'

    26. thus says the Lord GOD,

    'Remove the turban and take off the crown; this will no longer be the same

    Exalt that which is low and abase that which is high.

    27. 'A ruin, a ruin, a ruin, I will make it

    This also will be no more until He comes whose right it is, and I will give it to Him.'

    Good promises for you, GB !


  • cantleave

    Love, hugs and kisses to all the bethel lurkers

  • metatron

    Bethel lurkers, if you are reading this, know two things:

    You will never stop or eradicate us. Cut off a hydra's head and two more will spring up. This is a guerilla war and there will never be any lack of 'insurgents' as long as you wreck families and defraud the public - in other words as long as you exist

    Know this second point too, ultimately, the "Organization" will sacrifice you once they don't need you anymore. They will dump you in a New York minute once you cease to be of value.

    Think about these points and ask yourself honestly if I'm lying or exaggerating.


  • wasblind

    To all lurkers,

    I'd rather scratch the ass of a gnat,

    than to tell folks these false prophets

    have the truth.

  • wannabefree

    ... the ass of a gnat?

  • Pistoff

    To any possible Bethel lurkers:

    Your leaders suck. They can't lead, and they can't write. Any religion worth it's salt would have fessed up to the abuse coverup, and moved on.

    It would take it's lumps about blood too, rather than kill the policy off slowly as it has been doing for the last 15 years.

    And if you have any delusions about getting to the top by being yourself, think about Ted Jarascz: he was the ultimate company man, and he ruled the roost for decades.

    Don't spend one more minute here; this place will get in your head. You will see us happy apostates and free thinkers speaking our mind, and you will realize you are in a prison, you can never say what you really think. You can't ask the tough questions.

    So toddle off, go special pioneer somewhere.

  • ziddina
    "Are we providing the material for Damage Control? Are we making them look credible? Like giving them a "heads up" as to what is ssoooo wrong, and they're trying to fix the fallout! One case in point - questions and answers in the September 2010 KM. ..........
    Oct 4th- "How is their work financed?" - "Why we report our field service?"
    Sept 13th - "Does the bible require that we blindly believe in God(Borg)?"
    Does it seem to anyone beside me, that the subjects brought up on these sites are being used as fodder to deflect the criticism & condemnation of the society? Sort of CYA! Otherwise why would they be so forthcoming to explain 'sticky' subjects, when in the past they were reluctant. What do you think? Maybe we should keep hammering away with Child Abuse issue! ..."

    There!! NOW I can read your initial post more easily...

    Any chance you could hi-lite your comments, bring the "font size" up to 3, and perhaps the "font family" to "Arial", before you hit "submit"??? Thanks in advance...

    Yeah, Bethelites lurk here, they tattle back to "Mother", but the whole group of upper management is SOOOOO ARROGANT that they would NEVER consider taking any of our suggestions for more leniency and sanity, seriously...

    Which makes the life of the average JW very miserable... Pleases me, though.

    The more the Gov.Bod tightens their death-grip on the throats of the average JW, the more they DRIVE OUT of the organization...

    Let the GOOD TIMES ROLL!!!


  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    If you are a lurker from Bethel, I really would like to know how your conscience allows you to continue to work for such a criminal organization, while you know the facts from among others these boards. Someone fully under mind-control has an excuse, but the one doing the mind-fucking has no excuse. Perhaps they are "Just following orders" and excuse used many times in human history, as we saw at the Neurenburg trials.



    It means the WBT$ has to pull more "New Light",out of thier Ass..

    More "New Light"..

    Is more News Lies the WBT$ will have to cover up,at a future date

    Awake-35.gif picture by GeneralWaco

    (I borrowed "Marys" cool artwork..LOL!!..Thanks Mary!)..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • clarity

    " There!! NOW I can read your initial post more easily...

    Any chance you could hi-lite your comments, bring the "font size" up to 3, and perhaps the "font family" to "Arial", before you hit "submit"??? Thanks in advance..."

    OK Zid .........now I can't seem to get rid of this damn yellow or boost the font!!!!!! Were you trying to be helpful or just being a beeotch. Actually I thought the font & font family was just fine. See I'm cured of blind obedience already! Be proud. Thanks in retrospect. ps I kinda like beeotchs.

    OUTLAW - thanks thats a heck of an AWAKE MAGAZINE!! - If only I had that particular issue a few yrs ago .......coulda placed millions!! Sorry about the yellow it's ZIDS fault!

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