Sept.15th WT - WT Society uses Guilt & Fear to Avoid Friendship & Internet

by flipper 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • agonus

    They're fucking up so quickly and so profoundly on so many levels. I give the org 2 more years before they reach their Jonesville.

  • agonus

    Maybe 4 at the most (the 100th anniversary of Christ returning invisibly to apparently do not much of anything except make things here shittier).

  • sammielee24

    The spirit of companionship that unites those who work together in God's service is far stronger than the spirit that unites others in the world who MERELY SOCIALIZE TOGETHER . The Christian congregation was founded, NOT TO FUNCTION AS A SOCIAL CLUB , but to honor Jehovah and to GET A JOB DONE - the work of preaching the good news, making disciples, and building up the congregation. " So if you've wondered why your JW relatives are more committed to the WT society's causes and interests - you have your proof of why that is. By guilting members into feeling PREACHING is more important than social friendships many witnesses minimize ANY social contacts- family or otherwise. How do you spell cult ? Dangerous indeed


    And this is exactly why some JW's have cut off so much extended family time as well, which only serves to isolate the JW even further. You cannot have a complete, trusting and loving relationship with another human being unless you spend time with them; bond with them by being in a loving and trusting relationship. Those things don't come automatically when you spend all your time serving the WTS, by putting them first and not your family. It creates anti-social, sociopathic personalities and adds another feather to the cap of the WTS in that, those same sociopaths can then easily cut off their family without blinking an eye. The WTS is extremely dangerous in this regard and coupled with the 'do as we are told, not as I know to be right' teachings by the society, you have a whole lot of people that live without conscience. As they ratchet this up, I fear that those with family in, will start to see more hardliners rising to the surface. sammieswife

  • Quando

    All I can say is thanks for reading the wretched article and telling us about it.

    Although I will probably be at that study, I would not be able to tell you in a million years afterward what it was about. I have become a professional at turning the switch off! During the WT study I have the pen in my hand and write down the names of people that comment, one of these days I will have stats on age groups, years of service, status in the hall.

    Nahhh, I probably won't but that was my intent when I started I have no desire to my energy there anymore.

  • WingCommander

    Gee, why do soooo many people think they are a cult? Duh-aaaah--duh....I wonder how "worldly" people could EVER come up with that concept of JW's.....could it be...oh, I don't know........ISOLATIONISM and craziness? Yeah, I'm thinking so!!

    I thought it was bad when I was growing up in the 1980's, man they are really cracking the whip NOW!! Who could sit and listen to these out-right intrusions and restrictions upon your personal life, going so far to regulate your friendships WITHIN the congregation, as well as any entertainment? Well, I know they've always done this, but I don't recall it being so brazenly bold.

    Speaking of "brazen" does anyone see how these new rules will correlate nicely with the new Elder's Manual that is being brought out, and the new wider rules for disfellowshipping based upon "brazen attitude"?? I sure as hell do. You'll either do as they command or else be considered "brazen" and then promptly DF'd. INSANE!!!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • ex-witness

    Worst dates in human history: 9/11/01, 7/16/45, 12/7/41 and of course January, 1876.

    (Of course these are:

    World Trade Center attacks

    The first successful atomic weapons test

    Pearl Harbor Day, which pushed the US into war, which sped up the development of nuclear weapons

    When Barbour and Russell teamed up to make up a religion.)

  • LongHairGal


    You don't have to tell me the so-called 'christian congregation was not founded to function as a social club'. I was on the fringes of the congregation and was invited to very few gatherings. So, I could hardly call it a social club as far as I was concerned. But, the sad part is that by definition it SHOULD function to some degree as a social club. After all, the JW religion tries to isolate people from their non-JW families and non-JW friends. What is a poor single JW to do in order to fill this void???? Are they just supposed to stare at four walls. I mean, this religion is inhuman and sick! No wonder the JWs are so unfeeling and callous because garbage like this is preached.

    As far as preaching morbid fear of the internet (BOO - demons and spooks): well, this is the religion's last weapon. Fear and guilt. They cannot do anything to prevent anybody from searching the internet. They are angry that the internet has made it possible for anybody, anywhere, to contact anybody they want, in the privacy of their homes - without the watchful eyes of the control freaks. This has made it impossible for the religion to isolate people they deem 'dangerous' , i.e. people who know too much. They also cannot prevent disfellowshipped people from contacting or being contacted by other people. This has taken the sting out of their disfellowshipping practice. Yes, the religion hates the internet with a passion. The internet has aired the religion's dirty laundry out for all to see. The religion that has held itself up as 'truth' with a 'clean, spotless' record, has been shown up to be something else.

    As far as 'permissive human reasonings' goes, I assume they are not talking about worldly philosophies which we all know they disapprove of. They are plainly talking about something else entirely: YOU and ME exercising our intelligence and free will to think upon and evaluate information.

    Bottom line: they don't want us to think. That says it all.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Sept. 15th WT. for members only. Not for the public's eyes or ears.

    It comes down to this again and again, meetings, field service, meetings, field service, meetings, field service.

    Did I mention meetings, field service. FOR MEMBERS ONLY.

    Where do I sign up, of course it's volunteer work only, no wages or benefits.

    And to think that I did not think for 33 years of meetings, field service.

  • Ding

    Isolation of JWs through fear is one of the WTS' main mind control techniques.

  • Mary
    The spirit of companionship that unites those who work together in God's service is far stronger than the spirit that unites others in the world who MERELY SOCIALIZE TOGETHER.

    Uh riiiiight. That's how the rest of mankind run the show, build bridges, roads, skyscrapers, ships, that's how we sent men to the moon, that's how they fight fires, educate the young, negotiate with terrorists, help the poor, try to cure disease, help rebuild when there's a national disaster and that's how they try to find a way to accomodate Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions: by "merely socializing together". Wow, imagine what mankind could do if they actually put their heads together and worked with each other instead of 'merely socialize together'!! Why, I'm sure someone would say "Come! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth."

    Where do they come up with this crap?

    The Christian congregation was founded, NOT TO FUNCTION AS A SOCIAL CLUB , but to honor Jehovah and to GET A JOB DONE - the work of preaching the good news, making disciples, and building up the congregation. "

    So what's that supposed to mean? That you're not supposed to socialize together anymore? I have a feeling that this is one area that 99% of Witnesses will not pay the slightest bit of attention to. And the morons that wrote this should know that the social aspect of this religion is the only thing that keeps 75% of people in it. Without it, they'd be gone.

    Bunch of brainless morons. Then again, what else do we expect from the Writing Department? Keep going Crooklyn----you guys are digging yourself in deeper all the time.

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