Tame animals in the New System ™

by brotherdan 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    So I was thinking about this whole idea of animals being tame and getting along with each other and how the WTS depicts this in their artwork. I'm having a major issue with this. How far down the food chain would this go? Are we to think that ALL animals are going to be able to survive on vegetation and very little protein?

    Has any study been made to see if this is even a possible senario? I mean, does this go all the way down to the insect level? The spider will not feed on the fly? Does it go down to the cellular level?

    The scriptures that I think are meant to be symbolic in Isaiah about the lion and lamb being at peace were specifically speaking of the sort of peace that the israellites would have with other nations, right? I just don't see how eliminating the entire food chain is possible.

    Here are 2 examples:

    1. The humpback whale eats an average of 4500 - 5500 pounds of fish a day. How would this creature be able to survive without this large amount of food? Would not the oceans eventually be over populated if the food chain was somehow destroyed?

    2. African Lions eat upwards of 72 pounds in a single feeding. Can this be supplemented with "straw"?

    I just don't see how it is physically and environmentally possible for ALL animals to be herbivores. Does anyone know of any studies or discussion done on this?

  • sir82

    Don't know the answer to your questions, but...

    I seem to recall an old WT or Awake article about how tigers & lions used their teeth & claws to open coconuts prior to the flood.

    72 pounds of coconuts per day...there's gonna be a lot of lion poop around...

  • brotherdan

    And what did the 40 ton humpback whale eat before the flood?

  • Libelle

    Yeah, it sure amuses me... there are going to be some massive population problems. DO insects die? Because they're animals too.

  • brotherdan

    That's what we are supposed to believe, right? No killing of any sort? Or does it only apply to air breathing mammels that live on land?

  • elderelite

    Dan, you just hit on a source of cognitive dissonance for me. this has been a bee in my bonnet since I was 5 years old. You simply cannot have, for example, great white sharks eating straw. Clearly the words of Isiah are symbolic but our wonderfully org has turned them into a promise that the creator never intended. Lions, who's very teeth are not designed to eat vegetables, eating straw.. ludicrous.. sharks eating... what? saltwater crocodiles eating...apples? please.

  • mrsjones5

    What about mice and rats? If cats, birds of prey and other animals won't be able to hunt rodents how will that population be controled?

  • frigginconfused

    I do however believe that the babe will play in the vipers pit. I think we will be able to walk into a pride of lions unharmed. We have that power now. But we forgot who we are. But the food chain is a marvelous thing. It has always been and always will be.

  • brotherdan

    I wish I was an artist so I could draw or paint a picture of what the New System™ would look like with the lack of a food chain. Fly's and knats around everyone, rats crawling up their feet...it'd be an awesome picture of the reality of what they believe.

  • mrsjones5

    If the food chain is going to remain the same it makes no sense what so ever to put a baby in a freakin viper pit!

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