Your leaders have spoken:
*** w74 6/15 p. 376 par. 7 Serve with Eternity in View ***
7 Not all of God's living creation is eternal. We know that plants, even long-lived trees, eventually die. (1 Pet. 1:24) And there is no Biblical evidence that God purposed for individual animals to live forever. Yet it was different with humans. God held out to our first parents the prospect of never dying. By obedience they could have hoped to live eternally. (Gen. 2:17) God's purpose in this regard was not interrupted by man's fall into sin. But the Bible shows that His purpose to have obedient humans living forever on earth is definitely going to be realized. That will be accomplished by means of God's kingdom, which, as described in Revelation 12:1-5, was born in heaven in 1914 C.E. Yes, since then it has been appropriate to say: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord."-Rev. 11:15.