Reniaa, couldn't stay away for long huh? LOL
Challenge to DJeggnog Regarding his Lies.
by Essan 209 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Reni-bator said:
You should have read his post it shows concisely that Russell do not "predict" anything.
Why is prophecy such an issue for you?
My reply:
FALSE prophecy is a big issue, according to the Bible.
My name is debator if you are refering to me. We are not discussing False prophecy but (already written) Bible prophecy chronology itself. I'm not feeling inclined to run after your strawman today!
My name is debator if you are refering to me. We are not discussing False prophecy but already written Bible prophecy chronology itself. I'm not feeling inclined to run after your strawman today!
My reply: You are now Debator but used to post here as Reniaa.
It makes no difference if it is false prophecy spun off of what is written in the Bible (such as the case of Hananiah) or if it is totally dreamed up- either is false prophecy.
‘Debator’ is a mis-spelling..the correct spelling is ‘debater.’
Use the search function on this site and you will see no one spells ‘debater’ as ‘debator’...the only time ‘debator’ comes up is when referring to the poster ‘debator’...and one time from Reniaa:
reniaa Re: Re: Defence of watchtower society Links posted ~ a year ago (11/6/2008)
England, East Riding of Yorkshire
Post 647 of 2397
Since 3/11/2008
Does this mean you did read mary's book Reniaa? Otherwise how would you know the opposite side to Mary's points? Mary took much time to put this together and do her took a few mins to copy paste links. But your statement that I inpsired you to do this is BS. Just about every thread you have started here has been to defend the indefensible WT.
Isaac, yes some of it by accident, I was sent a message by you someone with whom I do not agree on many, I have come to respect as a debator in threads but you gave no indication as to what you sent me, to be honest I didn't realise it was Mary's book because it's so small more like a web page and just a repeat of info I've heard on here in many threads fairly common stuff, a few sentences in and it clicked what you'd sent me and as you know isaac this thread was the result. Maybe the die-hard members will just dismiss it but I have hopes that some will see that rebuttals are there. it is Reniaa calling me a good debator! LOL
Debator, you should have read the second post on page one which shows conclusively with countless quotes from that Russell that he did DID INDEED PREDICT MANY THINGS FOR 1914, the fact that the Society later deceptively edited out these predictions from Russell's writings in subsequent reprints after they failed is irrelevant. The originals exist and can be checked.
You depend on their deception to peddle your own.
The original text can be viewed here:
Essan, WT definitions are ever-moving targets...the goalposts continually change, depending on the circumstance, to try to justify their claim that they are not false prophets.
Not related to Russell, but someone pointed out here recently how the Reasoning book itself calls the 1914 generation never to pass away a prophecy.
Hi Essan
I know that Russell and the early Bible studentsl had various understandings they got from researching Bible Chronology and signs in regards to these last days, this is not "predicting ". Your usage of "Predicting" denotes an inspired knowledge directly from God which we have never claimed. From our early days onwards we have set ourselves the task to do as commanded in the Gospels and that is to decerned when (already written) prophetic signs etc are happening concerning the "last days".
Mathew 24:15
“Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,)
Are you saying Russell claimed divinely inspired knowledge for these dates? Aka the ability to predict?
Are you saying we should avoid trying to understand bible prophecy?
Are you saying we should have PERFECT understanding of Bible prophecy/chronology before it even gets fulfilled?
Next you'll be accusing me of being MadJW based on mispellings we share in common. but since I am not ignorant of the fact you are simply trying to distract from the actual debate in question, I do not feel inclined to indulge this further whim of yours either.
Next you'll be accusing me of being MadJW based on mispellings we share in common. but since I am not ignorant of the fact you are simply trying to distract from the actual debate in question, I do not feel inclined to indulge this further whim of yours either.
My reply:
Interesting tactic to try to deflect this..but that is a spelling mistake the facts show as unique to you. I also clearly addressed the issue in question as well...something you are unable to adequately answer. :)
Are you saying Russell claimed divinely inspired knowledge for these dates? Aka the ability to predict?
My reply: In word no, in action- yes
Are you saying we should avoid trying to understand bible prophecy?
My reply: Irrelevant
Are you saying we should have PERFECT understanding of Bible prophecy/chronology before it even gets fulfilled?
My reply: Irrelevant again