Essan, I have a great respect for what you are attempting to do, and you have done a good job exposing how much a liar djeggnog is. It is simply not possible to have an honest debate with liars. JW's have been trained by the world heavyweight champions of liars, the watchtower society. They are very skilled and lying, logical fallacies, goal post changing, and semantics. They are not interested in the truth of a matter, they deny the most clear facts at the cost of looking like fools because they have one goal and one goal only. And that is to defend the watchtower society at all costs. So if they have to deny the sky is blue, they will write a 9 page essay on why the sky is not blue, and ask ridiculous questions like "well, what is blue?" "what is a color?"
this thread is a perfect "witness" to the levels that JW's will sink to. I never until today saw a JW deny that Russel predicted Christs coming in 1914. That is incredible. Only a very dishonest or very illiterate person could read those quotes and deny it. But its not surprising as the watchtower does the same, as their new dvd tells flat out lies such as the bible students of russel began to disern that christs presence began in 1914. This is an outright lie as they didnt believe that until the 20's under Rutherford.
but the sad part is that this type of lying is minor compared to the lying and covering up of child rape that these jw's engage in everytime they ignorantly defend the watchtowers child abuse policy which has been clearly documented to protect child rapists and silence the victims of child rape, as well as re-victimizing the victims. These JW's have no problem with attacking victims, calling them liars, and re-victimizing them all to protect the watchtower organization.
you have to wonder though about the pathetic type of life that the jw's have to come on here, which is direct disobedience to the faithful slave. so by watchtower doctrine these ones that come here will be destroyed at armegeddon because they are not being obedient to the slave, and are also viewing "spiritual pornography" by coming on this apostate website.
so really we have people who are so very alone and unhappy in life that in some sick way it makes them feel good to come on a site like this and lie their asses off to people who know better. then when its clear that they have been owned, they will come up with some lame excuse to not discuss the matter further.
it is a cycle that happens over and over and over. I used to get angry with them because of the lying, but now i just feel pity for them. these are very sad cases, people who have no life who do not fit in with JW's, nor apostates and they come to public forums and defend child molesters and the murder of children by refusing blood transfusions.
its a sad state of affairs.