Diana you are right no one has walked in your shoes. I personally think some here were a bit harsh but this is the internet and try to let their words rolls off your back. All I was concerned about was your health/safety and you have free will to do what you want. I may not agree but I respect you for being open and trying to get some feedback. Unfortunately when people do not have the whole story they tend to jump to conclusions.
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think you're going to get any feedback about this being okay if the man is married, unless the wife knows about it and is good with it. That being said, about the guy - Mrs. Jones said that a friend would just help you, not put you in a situation where he is offering you what you need - in return for sexual favors. That's not a friend, imo, that's a man (more of a lecher/not of a man) taking advantage on a woman who is in a hard place, seeing nowhere else to turn.
You sound like a caring and sincere person. Are you sure there are no other options for your financial situation? Can you struggle through, give some things up this school year? I'm only asking to see if you have any other options to explore along with this one.
I thought this was a place where I could be open and express my thoughts freely;
It is, but don't be surprised when we all do the same.
NONE of you have walked in my shoes.
I haven't, that is true. It's up to you if you choose to share more of your story Diana, perhaps doing so might help us to understand your situation better. Personally, I struggle to imagine what justification you might have for doing what you are thinking of doing.
I just have no one to talk to.
We may be strangers for the most part but I know from over 9 years on this forum that there are plenty of good listeners. Please don't stop talking.
I just have no one to talk to.
We may be strangers for the most part but I know from over 9 years on this forum that there are plenty of good listeners. Please don't stop talking.
Meeting Junkie No More
If someone goes into a situation with their eyes open
Unfortunately, the eyes are usually the last part of the anatomy that are open in this situation... just my 2c
diana netherton
No way. I'm done. I think I've learned my lesson here.
I just have no one to talk to.
You're here talking to us. A true friend will tell you what you need to hear, not what you may want to hear.
diana you are a grown woman, we can only offer suggestions of weighing out your options or opinions on whether we think its right or wrong,
personally i wouldnt think of you as a bad person whichever choice you made cos its none of my darn business how you pay your bills, and i'm certainly no angel. after my divorce i considered selling a kidney to get myself straight from the mess i was left with, and i've done some crappy jobs too. sex texts on dialup....not one of my better or best paid jobs, but i could work from home when the kids were in bed or at school in between my own work hours and it was a bit of pin money to top up very crap wages.
but it does sound as if youre supporting too many people financially, theyre grown ups too and sometimes by making yourself so amenable to helping them out you actually encourage them not to look after themselves a bit more.why should they even bother to try if you keep bailing them out? at some point they should be standing on their own two feet cos they have choices too.
Diana, I can only say that you asked. You got what you asked for. OPINIONS. I find it ironic that the vast majority who are telling you its OK are women. Most men seem to be trying to dissuade you.. what does that tell you about the positive motive these people have? far from being harsh or judging I think most are simply telling you what we would tell our own daughters. Hell, if you set up a paypal account I'll donate a few bucks... that isnt judging, its concern.
No way. I'm done. I think I've learned my lesson here.
You didn't learn a thing, you had your mind made up when you posted and were only looking for affirmation.