No way. I'm done. I think I've learned my lesson here.
What exactly is the lesson you've learned?
Some of the comments have been open-minded, generous, thoughtful, helpful and interesting.
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No way. I'm done. I think I've learned my lesson here.
What exactly is the lesson you've learned?
Some of the comments have been open-minded, generous, thoughtful, helpful and interesting.
Hope you find your way outta this sucky situation. I know desperate times can call for desperate measures... I will say though. I've lived without a home at all. As in, in my car both in the freezing winter months and in the dead of summer. It was bad. But I will say, when you go through stuff like that and work your way outta it, you learn a hell of a lot in the process. If I didn't work my way outta it, I wouldn't be where I am today. And I'm doing pretty well for what my needs and a lot of my wants (within reason) are. If I had taken an easy way out, I'm not so sure I would have gotten to where I have gotten... I think sometimes struggles will bring you to where it is you need to go.
There was a guy named Dawg on this forum. Great guy. One thing he taught me, is that deep down our own intuition really knows what the right thing to do is. We may fight that intuition because we don't trust its the right way to go, but, usually it is.
But, that's simply my own experience. I hope the best in yours...
Hi Diana,
To be fair to the posters..this is what we had to work on.
"Thanks for being so open all make a point. It's just that I was considering
an "arrangement." I'd get some financial help with my schooling, etc. (I work full time and have a
part time job so I'm no gold digga). He'd get what he wants. I keep going back and forth on this one.
Just wanted your feedback. I haven't made my mind up. (Not until I see his yacht anyway. :)"
Nothing there about losing your house and helping your sibling. Maybe those who you thought were a bit harsh would have toned down how they felt if they had the whole story Just saying...
I think it was an interesting concept to explore!
All that any of us want for you to be is happy, healthy and safe.
Any man who proposes such an arrangement has probably done so before.
Weigh pros/cons and do whatever is best for your life.
Love, Hugs and Support
Diana - check your Pm's.
Here's the thing... I've played with married men, but their wives knew about it and were okay with it. I wouldn't do so if she was not both aware of and okay with it because it is not an open relationship that I find offensive, but deceit. However, that is *my* morality. You are the only person who can define yours and, honestly, I don't feel much need to judge you whatever it is you decide. You asked for my opinion and I offered it: You are the one who has to make this decision, make certain it is one you can live with happily. And you are the only one who can know whether or not you can live with this decision happily. I couldn't do it. Perhaps you can, I don't know. But you're an adult and it's your decision either way.
Understand, though, when you post something controversial of this nature some of the people who respond are going to have emotional responses to what you are asking. Either because they are a wife and sympathize with her, or because they have been touched by infidelity in their lives themselves, because their morality objects to it or because they feel it dehumanizes you and don't wish to see you do that. You can't post a subject like this and think you will not get some harsh reactions on both sides of the fence.
Best of luck in your choices, decisions, and life.
Still wating for pictures....
Diana - Only you get to judge yourself, no one else.
Trust your gut (that is how God speaks to YOU)
Logic tends to be the opposite energy.
If you can think back to the initial reaction what was it? Did your Gut say yes or no?
Block out all the noise! The only person that can fix your problems is you.
If you enter into any situation with this guy, treat it like a business proposal and get everything in writing. How much he will pay, what is expected from you, sexual health (STD tests on a regular basis) etc.
I know you are in a desperate situation but keep your wits about you. Don’t let him talk you into anything you’re not comfortable with, simply because he’s offering you a deal you can’t refuse (monetarily).
Above all, be safe. I can understand your dilemma and I do empathise.
Better find another man and not be a mistress. Sigh. Consider the possible longterm outcome. May be STDs, the man's real wife finding out and taking action legal or otherwise. You never know in this age of digital.