You're the nicest poster on this board. Thank you for not attacking me.
I guess I thought that this board would be less like being in a JW congregation
than I thought. I've had enough years of being judged. No one knows my personal
circumstances. Yes, bankruptcy has crossed my mind a few times but it would ruin
my credit and perhaps my chances of future employment, since they do check.
Part of the problem is that I assist my siblings financially quite a bit. My brother's always
in danger of losing his apartment (and has two children -- their mother died three years ago) and
my younger sister can't find work even though she has a degree and is sleeping on someone's
couch while waiting tables. For years I helped my sister in Florida with her bills while she was in
nursing school. I guess I just didn't think too much about putting aside more money for leaner times.
I had a huge pay cut recently as well.
I am going to try and hang on and get through this with drastic options like bankruptcy.
I hope in future that some of these posters get kinder feedback than I have when they
need someone to talk to.