Providing a service for money, sounds like most jobs.
And yes, you are an idiot.
by diana netherton 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Providing a service for money, sounds like most jobs.
And yes, you are an idiot.
Because that's the situation this topic is discussing.
Ok, how is it different?
Glad I don't consider my marriage, my husband and my kids to be just a job. I have more respect for myself than that.
And yes, you are an idiot.
Probably. Still, though, go ahead and answer the question.
Glad I don't consider my marriage, my husband and my kids to be just a job. I have more respect for myself than that.
No one suggested that being married and having kids was just a job. You seem to be refuting an argument that no one made.
We are all idiots. Don't you guys realize that yet?
Getting back to the topic: it's not a good idea but it's your choice.
I think it would have been better if you could have been a bit more discreet about promoting the idea of selling your body. Because when you get down to it you would be selling your body for money and joining the ranks of sex workers in this country.
I wouldn't be surprised that if this man has talked you into it, he's talked other women into it. I wouldn't trust him if he's told you different, that you're the only one.
I suggest always using a condom and starting annual HIV testing, just to be safe.
I feel sorry for his wife.
This man has no respect for women.
Because when you get down to it you would be selling your body for money and joining the ranks of sex workers in this country.
Why is being a sex worker a bad thing?
Pro's- you get money and trinkets for selling your body
you still get to date
Con's- you could be sued for alienation of affection if found out (rare but it does happen)
Men may like prostitutes but they are not the ones they bring home to meet the parents and want to raise a family with
what do you tell your future husband?
you could get a STD to last a lifetime
you could end up with a 'love' child (I use the word love loosely)
you could end up dead if the wife is nuts
you could see his adorable children (if he has any) and forever feel the guilt of helping to ruin a family
you can proudly tell your own daughter one day that you prostituted yourself (or should this be in the pro area?)
you get no health benefits
what do you put on your taxes for occupation? horizontal service worker?
how do you know he really has the money? will you sign a contract? will you hold him to it in court if necessary if he renigs?
your own guilt later in life could ruin all your hard earned education because you will not be able to function well (or not depending on your own conscience)
you may one day be married and find out your own husband has a mistress and there will not be much you could say to him seeing as you yourself did the same thing when you were young and beautiful.
You may live in a European country where this is not even issue and is widely accepted so what anybody thinks is irrelevant.
Why is being a sex worker a bad thing?
Do you have any daughters? Is this a "job" you would advise for them?
Would you care if someone called your mom a whore?