2Tim. 2, 23-26... Gives good council for Elders as well as to all. Notice this is not only for unbelievers but for those who are believers, but who now may be having problems believing a teaching (or?)...these two phrases are used;---"not favorably disposed" and "back to their proper senses"... read the verses below.
23 Further, turn down foolish and ignorant questionings, knowing they produce fights. 24 But a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, keeping himself restrained under evil,25 instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, 26 and they may come back to their proper senses out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him for the will of that one.
So can you have thoughts or beliefs that are not aligned with "present day teachings" and still be in good standing? The scriptures indicate you can...until there is enough scriptural proof otherwise. This proof becomes clear with time not with threat of being DF if not believed when stated. Read below:
- It may be difficult at times to understand such updated explanations, but the reasons for them become clear in due course. If a Christian does not fully understand a new explanation of a scripture, he does well humbly to echo the words of the prophet Micah: “I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation.”—Micah 7:7.-w00 1/1 p10
Proverbs 28:5. If we ‘seek Jehovah’ through prayer and a study of his Word, we “can understand everything” needed to serve him acceptably.