Are your two examples included below, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one... and thank you for "explaining" dear NVL, 'cause I was truly at a loss!)?
SA: Ummm... that's not what you asked, actually. You asked: "... has God/Jesus told you which parts of the bible are right and which aren't?" To which I responded, "God, no. Christ... as things come up, yes." If you are [now] asking which parts of the Bible are inspired, the answer is "the scriptures." If you are asking, "Which parts are 'scripture," the answer is "Moses, the Psalms, the Prophets"... and the Revelation. If you are asking are the 'scriptures' right, the answer is to some degree, yes, but not completely as the "false stylus of the secretaries"... i.e., the "scribes"... has rendered them unreliable in their entirety - intentionally and unintentionally (which I also stated... somewhere).
[Here, dear NVL literally asks one thing, then turns around and says, "No, I asked "X". SA, unfortunately, is a bit pendantic and so quoted what NVL actually asked, literally.]
NVL: the evident demonstration of reality THOUGH NOT YET BEHELD. Look who stopped short this time...
[Obviously, it was NVL, again, as shown by]:
SA: Look who didn't read all that I wrote, which is usually the case and why so many are ABLE to use the Bible to mislead (because they KNOW folks don't fully and accurately SEE what's before their eyes!!). I stated: "Faith... is the assured expectation of thing hoped for... the EVIDENT DEMONSTRATION OF REALITY. It is just not "beheld"... i.e., not experienced with the senses of the physical man."
[Again, SA's overly pendantic tendencies show, in quotes, what was actually stated. But here's another case where NVL apparently didn't read... or comprehend:]
NVL: So I can fully expect you to NOT quote from them at all anymore?
SA: You can(however, others may require that I do, so I hope you can deal with that). Please also do not take issue if what I state happens to BE written... somewhere. If my Lord states it to me, then I will state it to you. That it may also be written is just icing on the cake.
Sorry, LOLOLOLOLOL - but I just couldn't resist: it's a slow Sunday morning (no meetings or field service to "attend" - WHOO-HOOOO! - so...) and it IS a little like a drug, particularly when it's THIS easy - LOLOLOLOL!
Dear NVL (peace to you!), again, you're good... but not THAT good because, like many a man you can't remember conversations, let alone what you said in them. Fortunately, I've been blessed with a "gift" inherent in most women and that is we can virtually recall a discussion between us and a man almost verbatim. Even if it took place 15 years ago - LOLOLOLOLOLOL! It's just something that we can "do." Now, you can deny that... and "science" might refute it, but I BET you if you were to take a poll of the men and women on this site, heck, in the world, this "gift" is one of the reason BOTH will say to you, "Never argue with a woman." LOLOLOLOLOL! As a gender, you Ogs overwhelmingly don't have the mental CAPACITY to remember all that we do, dear one. And science HAS proven THAT. LOLOLOLOLOL! True, there are exceptions to that rule, but I don't believe you're one of them! LOLOLOLOL!
So, look, let's move on, shall we? I mean, the discussion has become so muddled (because you don't remember half of what YOU say and practically NONE of what I've said), that there really no benefit any longer... to anyone. I know, I know... it just isn't IN you to concede to a woman - it's just not... well, manly. No man wants to leave a situation sans... any vital "parts"... and it truly is NOT my intention to relieve you of any. Truly. I want you to be able to leave with the dignity you came in with. So, I'll stop. I'll stop showing you up for your deceit... because it makes no difference to me, anyway. It's something YOU have to live with, not me.
SOoooooo... PEACE... and OUT! Really, this time. I mean, I think really. We'll have to see. It may turn on whatever melarkey you come back with next. Because I am, after all, a woman, and like most of us, I can "worry a bone to death," too, when I put my mind to it. So, you choose: we move on, for now, and maybe revisit this subject later (you know, after you've had a change to go back and review what's been said so that you can plan your strategy for our next potential "mental battle"... 'cause that's really what this has turned into, although I know you'll say it isn't... and I just don't see you as a guy who concedes to the "enemy" very easily... even if you "like" him, and certainly not if he's a "her" because THAT would go against everything your little manly mind ever learned in the WTBTS...).
In the meantime, then, peace [of mind] to you, truly!
YOUR humble submissive subjective womanly girl servant... and a slave of Christ ('til the wheels fall off!),