Autism is not mercury poisoning.
No Link Found Between Vaccine Mercury and Autism
by leavingwt 132 Replies latest social current
read good books
No it's not just alex jones and jenny mcarthy
January 28, 2010
A Sad Day for the Future of Children
The General Medical Council’s (GMC) verdict today concerning Dr. Andrew Wakefield brings together autism organizations across the United States who stand united in support of him, unequivocally renounce the GMC’s findings, and demand an investigation into possible conflicts of interests at the GMC. We further challenge the U.K. and U.S. governments to offer grants for gold standard research into why so many children with autism have gastrointestinal pathology, as well as any links between this pathology and the symptoms of autism, before all of the children of the world are affected.
Today's verdict by the General Medical Council epitomized their negligence in respecting all of the sound scientific studies worldwide replicating the findings of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. In the United States we will continue to fund studies replicating Wakefield’s work. We will focus more heavily on helping to educate the British public about the dangers of the MMR. We will look with renewed vigor into possible misconduct by the GMC. And, most importantly, we will continue to recover children from autism thanks, in large measure, to Dr. Wakefield’s pioneering work. We have witnessed and applaud the sustained courage and dignity of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. He has stood by the children, and we will stand by him.Autism One
Autism Research Institute
Generation Rescue
National Autism Association
Schafer Autism Report
Talk About Curing Autism
Unlocking Autism -
I'm sorry, this argument about Autism and Vaccines, is bull. It detracts from the FACT that vaccines do cause multiple types of problems, there are too many vaccines being recommended, and both of these issues are fixable if people are not sidetracked and pacified by this spurious argument. I'm actually finding myself wondering if this issue has been brought and refuted by the same crowd.
Yeah amazing what a surprise parents drink smoke take recreational drugs or abuse prescription drugs and then have an autistic child and it's all because of those god damn vaccines...
I've never heard of that before. What a broad brush you use. Perhaps you can explain to me why my youngest son has autism when I have never abused illicit or prescription drugs? Oh and maybe you can determine why for my two cousins both of whom are like me and have never partook in abusing drugs and also have children on the spectrum.
Symptoms of autism first become evident at the same age vaccines are normally given to young children (usually between the ages of 1 and 2). This is the case in general with autism, regardless of vaccination history. And with a large enough population, there will automatically be people -- without any necessary causal link -- whose autistic traits will first be noticed immediately after the administration of a given vaccine. I have my vaccination history booklet in front of me, and I see that I never received the MMR but a measles shot at age 1;0; I also had the DPT vaccine at ages 0;3, 0;4, 0;5, and 1;7, the polio vaccine at ages 0;3, 0;5 and 1;4, and the mumps vaccine at 2;11. My autism was certainly evident in various ways between 0;5 and 1;11, although it wasn't until I started going to preschool and kindergarten that my parents realized the full scope of my condition, as I never really needed to communicate verbally or interact socially with other kids before then.
cognizant dissident
Dosage does matter! The amount of mercury a child is exposed to in seafood is far greater than in that of a vaccine. Why don't we start with protesting the items of greatest exposure.
Here is a link to an environmental website which lists the amount of mercury in different types of fish.
Here is a link to a sceptics article on the amount of mercury in vaccines. It's an interesting comparison. You would have only to eat 4 oz of fish from the group of moderately contaminated fish to receive the same mercury as in the flu shots.
It is also worthy of note, that thiomersol, (the mercury containing portion of the vaccine), is no longer used in any children's vaccines. It is only used in 3 flu vaccines that are intended for adults. The author provides links to the manufactures product ingredients list so you can read for yourselves. Don't take his word for it.
But the most compelling evidence against a link came from the removal of thimerosal from the routine childhood vaccine schedule in the US. By the end of 2002 all thimerosal, except for insignificant trace amounts, was removed from all vaccines given routinely to children. Only some flu vaccines still contained a small amount of thimerosal, but this is an optional vaccine with thimerosal-free options. The result was a dramatic plummet of thimerosal exposure in the US childhood population. If thimerosal were a significant contributor to autism incidence then we should have also seen a plummet in autism rates. David Kirby predicted this, and the anti-vaccine movement agreed. They gloated about the day they would be proven undeniably correct.
But now it has been 8 years – and autism rates continue to rise at the same rate, without so much as a blip. They tried to move the goalposts for a while, and make some desperate arguments to rescue their failed predictions, but there is no hope. There is no rational conclusion remaining except that thimerosal in vaccines is not a measurable contributor to autism rates.
IF there is a link between Vaccination and autisim in SOME children, perhaps what needs ot be done is NOT to ban soemthing that is crucial in protecting ALL children, but to find a way to diagnos what CAUSES the vaccine to cause Autisim ( IF it does) so that the children that are susciptible to it, are protected.
In other words, quite trying to blame someone/somethign and FIX the problem BEFORE it happens.
By the end of 2002 all thimerosal, except for insignificant trace amounts, was removed from all vaccines given routinely to children. Only some flu vaccines still contained a small amount of thimerosal, but this is an optional vaccine with thimerosal-free options. The result was a dramatic plummet of thimerosal exposure in the US childhood population.
Hm, these are the years of birth of my children (note: all have recieved their vaccines in a timely manner, the majority within the first 2-3 years of life):
Shawn Jr - 1994
Jocelyn - 1997
Shane - 2000
Joshua (has autism) 2003
Going by what LW just posted above it would seem that mercury in vaccines can be thrown out as a possible reason for my son's autism.