THANK you, cear PSacto... TRULY... and peace to you! Here's is why:
I explained on some post somewhere that I had felt that I experienced "divine intervention" in my life at one time and that same intervention ended my suicide attempt.
And if ANYONE had told dear OTWO that he was crazy he would have totally rejected that "advice."
A huge part of my concern is that I know what my "intervention" led to- eventual joining a dangerous mind-control cult. (In my case, the JW's.)
However, that is NOT the case for everyone. For SOME of us... ME... it led FROM such dangerous mind-control cult.
I denied for years and years that my intervention was anything other than what I believed it was.
I didn't. I have totally accepted what it was... and what I believed it was: Christ.
I was absolutely 100% certain of what I had experienced being genuine and beneficial to me, right up until I knew that was not the case.
Yet, you wish to deny other that same FREEDOM. I was absolutely 100% certain that what I experienced was genuine and beneficial to ME... and am STILL absolutely 100% certain. How is that anyone else's concern? Because I share what my Lord gives me... for myself or to share with others? Because I can say, with confidence, that what he tells/shows me is TRUE? So what? So, because there are those who listen to me? You are total error, dear OTWO. They DON'T listen to me at all... nor should they. Just like you throw out what YOU think and believe... it is entirely up to others as to what they will accept or reject. I can't and don't make anyone do a single thing, including opening my threads (which for some reason YOU feel YOU need to do. Why??).
But the bottom line is that they shouldn't be listening to ME at all. And I have stated that many, many times. If they want to know what God says/thinks/wants/does, etc., my message has ALWAYS been that THEY (and you) can... and SHOULD... do EXACTLY what I do: NOT listen to ANY man, including me, but go DIRECTLY TO THE SOURCE.
The direction I thought I received seemed fully beneficial to me and never was I guided to destructive actions, quite the opposite.
How can you say that? You don't think pushing WTBTS teachings isn't destructive? Seriously? How many folks who've lost loved ones for want of medicine/blood would agree with you? How many who've lost or been abandoned/rejected by family/loved ones would agree with you? Sure, you were taught "no war," "no weapons," "love your neighbor," etc. But while that is what they SAY... it is NOT what they DO... or what those who willingly associate with them do. Their "war" and "weapons" are just not of the usual kind. And their "love"... well, others have addressed that as well as I could have, above.
And it doesn't stop there. Millions... MILLIONS... may suffer ULTIMATE destruction because of their specific teachings. Those who sat in judgment of others, those who blasphemed... those who "traversed sea and dry land to make ONE proselyte and when [such one] becomes one... make HIM a subject for Ge·hen´na twice as much so as themselves." And YOU were ONE of them... as was I. Now, perhaps you don't feel YOU have any responsibility... any bloodguilt, but I don't feel that way. Because I don't know WHO was affected by MY association with them. And so, as I've said MANY times... I am only working out MY salvation. Whether you or others hear... or refrain.
Yet, eventually I realized that such an experience was a product of my own mind.
As to them, I totally agree... and I (and others) have said that MANY times here: it is NOT God's fault; it is ours. We listened to our OWN counsel... followed our OWN hearts. If, then, your experience was a product of your OWN mind... why do YOU yet blame God?
If I had received proper medical help immediately instead of just a couple of doctors making sure I was done wanting to kill myself and putting me back on my way in life, I am pretty sure I would have avoided becoming a JW.
But you will never truly KNOW that, will you? AND... it seems by THIS statement that it was not GOD who failed you... but "SCIENCE." Yet, you cannot "see" that. Because... you don't WANT to. And so, your mind is STILL fooling you, dear one.
Now I will address what you stated to me directly (and for those who are only interested in the other vein of this thread, i.e., not being DF'd, abused, etc., please overlook and excuse, but this part is, to me, just as important since dear OTWO did... and has again... addressed ME):
I named you because people here can relate.
You are not speaking the truth, dear OTWO. Others could have related just on your mentioning ANYONE who professes to hear the voice of Christ. You named me because you believe me to be the "leader," of such thinking, which I am not. There are MANY here who experience the same thing. The only difference is that I have never doubted... or hidden it.
Another poster just had the Holy Ghost telling them to feed the dog and go to the post office, all ordinary things,
First, I am not understanding why there's any difference. The point supposedly is that they HEAR the Holy Spirit. But perhaps you're saying that so long as the Spirit only speaks of mundane things, then that's totally okay. But if he were to speak of "spiritual" things... oh, oops, nope, that can't happen. Seriously? HE'S A SPIRIT. Why wouldn't he SPEAK of things related to that which IS of the spirit?
but the Holy Ghost tells you to search the newspaper and hop on a plane to New York City and to carry some message to people at JWN.
Absolutely. Do you think he's so limited that all he CAN speak about is dogs and visits to the post office?
So it fit the response that we need to beware of groups (or individuals in this case) that say "There is the lord."
We also need to beware of people who LIE on such people because THEIR lack of faith cannot comprehend what such individual is SAYING. For example, I have NEVER said "There is the Lord." To the contrary, I have said on NUMEROUS occasions... he is NOT here. WE... are in the "wilderness"... having been "set free" from "slavery" in "Egypt." HE... is is the "promised land"... "preparing a PLACE" for us. While he is AWAY... he SPEAKS to us... so as to GUIDE us... THROUGH this wilderness... until he RETURNS... and "gathers" us. He SPEAKS... by means of the holy spirit of God... WHICH "oil" he anoints us with. It is THROUGH that anointing that he speaks. He is "with" us IN SPIRIT... but NOT in PERSON. He is not here, dear one... other than by spirit.
I mean, when you were shown to be wrong on a thread about what the Bible says, you turned up a notch your campaign to declare that YOU have been told what is inspired in the Bible and what is not.
Again, you are not stating the truth. I have stated for YEARS... that my Lord's words to ME, that "all that I tell you is written [albeit, not necessarily in the Bible], but not all that is written [including in the Bible] is what I will tell you," are true. I have stated that so many times here I cannnot count. That you have only been recently even paying attention to what I post... and therefore, most probably missing a great deal... does NOT mean that I am suddenly making things up. You showed me where "the Bible" stated slavery was okay. I took that matter to my Lord and asked HIM, "Wait, Lord, you just told me that slavery was NOT okay to the Most Holy One of Israel, but this one is showing me where it says it is in the Bible." And his response to me is that it was NOT, that it was the false stylus of MEN... SCRIBES... who wrote what THEY wanted into the "Law" and that that is why he condemned such ones' works... along with that of the Pharisees.
There is a WHOLE LOT supposedly "written" in the Law... that was NOT part of the Law handed down to Moses. How do we know? Look... at... Christ. Because... HE... is... the... FULFILLMENT... of... the... Law. And here is what he has just said to me, now:
"The word of the Most Holy One of Israel to you, child is:
'Abraham had the Law written on his heart. And he knew what was taking place in Sodom. Yet, who did he judge? Who did he condemn? When did he ever tell Lot to leave Sodom? He did not. Instead, the Law that I put on HIS heart led him to PLEAD for Sodom... not judge it or condemn it... because such belongs to me. How, then, could the written Law be any different than the Law I wrote on Abraham's heart? Moses, too, had the same law written on his heart; yet, he killed the Egyptian? How, then, could he be chosen to lead Israel out of Egypt having blood on his hands? My people do not know my Law. They did not know it then, which is why it was written... and they don't know it today... because they look to what is written on stone and in ink... and not to what was supposed to be on the heart. They do this because they do not know Me. They did not know me then... and do not know me, now. They do not know Me because they refuse to know the One who I sent to teach it to them. Then... and now. Then, they only needed to look to Moses; yet, in just few days they rebelled... and continued to rebel against that one. Today, they only need to look toward my Beloved. But, again, they rebel. As always, Israel is a hard-headed, hard-hearted, stiff-necked people, and the day will come when I will not allow a plea to be made oh their behalf any longer. I will fulfill my promise to Abraham... and then I will forget Israel. No longer will I pursue a people whose hearts are hard, but My spirit with be with and upon those who hearts are receptive, who love MY Law, and NOT the laws that they themselves have contrived in order to dominate their fellowman, oppress my sheep, and bring the earth to ruin. I will have my full of them and then no more. No more will THEIR voices be heard in the earth, but only the voice of my Beloved Lamb will be. And to him the nations will stream. From him the nations will eat. And because of him they will preserve their souls alive.'
That is what I heard from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. Whether you hear, dear OTWO... or refrain. I have shared it just as I heard it.
That fits excellently the point- beware of these ones that say "there is the lord."
I would absolutely agree. For such ones are FALSE "christs"... meaning, FALSE anointed. However, if there are false ones, there are true ones. But how are YOU to know? By their "fruits." And my "fruit" is peaceable, forgiving, merciful, and releasing... and gives ALL glory to God and Christ. I take NONE for myself... because if I don't know anything else, I know that I know NOTHING... absolutely NOTHING... and only share what I am given by that One.
Even on this thread you mention "...what I am directed to share."
And I tell you truthfully who gives me such direction... without deceit... without impure or selfish motive... without rancor... without judgment... and without fear. I only fear NOT doing as that One directs me, not because I fear him, but because I fear disappointing him... and failing to serve you FOR him.
I bid you peace, dear OTWO. I do not bid that you accept or believe me; truly, you should NOT listen to ME... but to the One who speaks to YOU, TOO, from the kingdom of God... which can also be IN you, as well... if you wish it.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,