Ahhhh, so this IS between us, dear OTWO (as always, peace to you!), you and me. Okay...
If you read your responses, they are not as wonderful as you think they were.
I do not think them wonderful, at all, and apologize for my OWN words/thinking when I am aware of it. Based on what follows, I am now aware that perhaps I hurt your feelings... and I sincerely apologize. In defending my faith... and perhaps that of others... I did not mean to degrade you, not at all.
You insulted my intelligence and continually talked of how you know things about me that you could not possibly know.
I think we may both be guilty of this, dear OTWO... but, again, I apologize for MY part...
You even attacked my looks.
Please, see the directly previous response. All of it, as it applies again here. My sincere apologies for MY part...
You insulted me in a few more ways, but I can't go back and read it now.
Please don't as there truly is no point. Again, my sincere apologies for MY part...
Besides, it's the internet and feelings might get hurt.
They shouldn't... but, yes, they do. Again, my sincere apologies for MY part...
Let's get over ourselves.
Yes, please... let's do. I promise to do MY part...
So, I am not following the Lord and you might be able to chalk it up to my heathen atheism,
Dear OTWO... I have NEVER called anyone a heathen, atheist or otherwise. That is not the way of my Lord and so not the way he has taught me. True, I can call hypocrites "hypocrites," and false christs "false christs"... even "imposters." But such view is born of man's doctrines and teachings... and smacks of the Pharisaical view of the people, "amhararets"... and thus, common... even unworthy. I have never had that view of ANYONE. I have shared with I am given with all... regardless of who they are or what they were. I do not judge or condemn you for not following Christ. I don't even direct my words to you on most occasions. I think (and, yes, I could be wrong but I don't think so)... "something" in what I share has sparked "something" in you that has started, well, a bit of a conundrum... and you are rebelling against it. I do not judge or condemn you for that, either. You have to do what YOU have to do... what YOU think you need to do. Not what I think.
If you don't want to follow Christ, then by all means, dear one... don't follow Christ. And if you do, then by all means... do so. It is entirely up to YOU... entirely YOUR choice. Always.
but you really ought to be above that stuff, what with the Holy Ghost guiding you and giving you an all-important mission
here on JWN to save the heathens (or whatever the mission is).
You entirely misunderstand me, dear OTWO. Truly. And just to set the record straight, we ALL have the mission that I have... to declare "abroad" the GOOD news of the kingdom. Some here, some elsewhere. Whatever. But my mission is no more important than anyone else's. I just don't reject it... but instead WELCOME the opportunity. He gave his life for me, dear one. It's the LEAST I can do...
As far as the "BTTT," since you keep mentioning it, I knew that it was already answered by someone else.
Yes, which is why your response was all the more... nevermind. I am more than willing to let the matter go. I said my piece, I apologize if doing so offended you... and I am more than ready to move on...
I made the snide remark because the Holy Ghost can make sure the dog is fed, so He should be able to deal with such
questions when guiding His pawns to save us heathens.
Ah, yes, so YOU are excused from snideness, but... again, nevermind. It is of no matter, truly. Again, I apologize for hurting your feelings and offending you.
I remain,
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,