I want to partake at the Memorial!

by BQE 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree


    My meaning is, briefly, a true Christian excepts the full teachings of Jesus Christ, they then have communion with Him. JWs do not except the full teachings of Jesus, their table is therefor not His table and must qualify as a table of demons.


    "Without knowledge there can be no genuine faith--only superstition on the one hand or speculation on the other" Robert Banks
  • Fredhall



    Will probably hear whispers, but not from Jehovah.

  • gambler

    Pig the whole plate of bread down like homer simpson or cookie monster and then guzzel down the wine, then sit bak and enjoy the show.

  • mindfield

    Oh, that's great Fred. You've contradicted yourself, and you've done that while writing a grand total of 3 lines. Congrats, man.

    It is up to Jehovah and you on this matter.
    Then you said,

    Will probably hear whispers, but not from Jehovah.
    Instead of writing pure nonsense, why not spurt your mental diarrhea in some other board? Then come back and write something intelligent.
  • Fredhall


    I'm sticking by my words. Are you sticking to your brother's talk? Or did you find the truth while writting it? This is my fourth line dud.

  • BQE

    You're right borgfree!!!

    JWS are a long way off when and if they describe themselves as christians....

    My desire to partake is more of a shock thing. Over the years, even while my status of DF'd is well known and my "independent thinking" loud-assed mouth can be heard for miles, many JWS would knock at my door and give me an invite around the same time of the year. I saw them circling my block again this morning and I thought to myself 'it's about that time again.' My mom doesnt shun me, however, there has always been a certain distance between us since my DFing. She has been pestering me for 20 years to go to the Memorial, so in the back of my mind I want to give her something to talk about this year.

    I still dont know if it is a good idea, but, hehehe, there is this side of me that would be giddy with amusement if I did!!

    PS I am reminded now of the 1979 Memorial when a sis from my congregation "felt the urge" and ate the crackers and drank the wine. She spent 6 months at a psych facility after that incident!!! It was such a big big deal back then!!!

  • borgfree


    I certainly understand your feelings. In my hurry last post, I should have stated that I think their table might qualify as a table of demons. I don't think I have the right to make a definate pronouncement that it is. I know a few ex-s, that I highly respect, that did just what you want to do and for similar reasons.


    "Without knowledge there can be no genuine faith--only superstition on the one hand or speculation on the other" Robert Banks
  • mindfield

    Sure, fred, stick to your words. They're paradoxical, they make no sense whatsoever, but hey, so is your religion.

    Are you sticking to your brother's talk? Or did you find the truth while writting it?
    You remind me of Yadirf. Bringing up other posts to change subject, huh? *sigh* Yadirf, too, told me something about my lack of intelligence. I believe you did the same too, saying something about my immaturity. So be it, man.

    Let's stick to the original post you wrote, ummkay? Explain yourself, instead of writing something non-commital and off-subject.

  • Fredhall


    We live in a paradox world. You have to live with it for the rest of your life. And don't tell me that you wrote your brother's talk so you can improve our religion? Huh!!

  • mindfield

    LOL! Fred, sorry, I just had to laugh while reading your pitiful attempt at an excuse. "We live in a paradox world"? Wow.

    Oh, and let's go back to the change of subject, why not?

    And don't tell me that you wrote your brother's talk so you can improve our religion? Huh!!
    Again, just like Yadirf. Change of subject plus jumping to senseless conclusions. Improving the JW religion? LOL. I admit, you're a funny guy, fred, I'll give you that. Frustrated, confused, but nevertheless funny. I believe you have the bad habit of skimming, not reading posts. Do you know why I wrote the talk? Because I felt like it, you dork. I'm not stupid enough to try to change JW's in a small 75-people cong., much less in the small room my brother is giving it in, which is about 20 or less. Sigh.

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