What's the saddest movie you've ever seen?

by JimmyPage 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!
    I'm asking because I just watched "The Road".

    Yeah, I saw that, it was very bleak. I cried.

    An Imitation of Life- makes me cry every time I see it.

    Escape from Sobibor- basically any other Holocaust movie

    Antoine Fisher- I think that is the most I ever cried at the theater. Tears, snot the whole thing. I could relate to so much of the guy's story, and I still had alot of unresolved father/childhood issues.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hope Floats - especially where that little girl cries for her daddy...

    Oh and of course the classic - Love Story

    Loz x

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I read thru them before posting mine.....

    Glad to see I wasn't the only one who picked Big Fish.

    I SOBBED and don't know why? Like DarkSide I cried like a 6 yr old girl who skinned her knee!!!!

    I made the mistake of watching it with my wife (then 6 month girlfriend) "Are you crying??" And this was the 3'd time I saw it.

    For some reason it tears into me.....

  • littlerockguy

    Ordinary People caught me off guard during one scene and got caught up in the scene and cried and there was also

    Madame X, one of Lana Turner's last big roles

    The Plague Dogs


  • VampireDCLXV

    A movie for ones who speak Hungarian: "Szabadság, szerelem". Translation: "Freedom, love".
    It's about the failed 1956 Hungarian revolution against the communists. It's too bad that there is no English subtitling available...


  • lesabre

    "dancer in the dark" hands down!! there was a movie i saw recently that made me almost do an "ugly cry".... can't remember what it was tho for the life of me... it was on netflix instant watch.

    "the road" wasn't NEARLY as sad as the book!!!!!!! (but i love both!!) the road is one of my fave books...

  • GLTirebiter

    Saddest movies, non-fiction division:

    Schindler's List has already been mentioned, which brings to mind The Diary of Anne Frank.

    Then there's The Stoning of Soraya M, a tale of selfish cruelty and injustice, all the more sad because it's based on a real event.

    Everest was to be a IMAX documentary of an expedition to the top of the world, but became a memorial to eight climbers who died on the mountain.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    With Dinah and MMXIV:

    Manon of the Spring - as the old lady tells the tale of the bossu [hunchback, Jean de Florette] to the old man [Yves Montand], you see the horror in his eyes when he realizes he killed his son.

    Pay It Forward - Haley Joel Osment musters courage to protect a friend and is killed in the defense.


  • ohiocowboy

    City of Angels

  • Tatiana

    City of Angels made me cry also. And The Notebook. I try to stay away from depressing movies or war movies. I refused to watch "Taking Chance" because my son was in Iraq and he re-enlisted and is deploying to Afghanistan in June. So no war movies until he is home again.

    I absolutely cannot watch movies about the Holocaust or slavery. Roots scarred me for life. I only saw the series once and I could never watch it again. I've seen sad movies but movies where humanity is just cruel and evil to each other just make me ill.

    Pay It Forward made me cry.

    Fried Green Tomatoes-more of a happy cry though.

    The Passion of the Christ--I was bawling.

    Seven Pounds

    PS I Love You

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