Do more born ins leave the Org rather than those who converted?

by Little Imp 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    My husband was brought up in the faith since around the age of three years old.

    He stopped believing their crap when he was a teenager and indeed didn't attend for many years. However, even though he moved over 100 miles away from his parents his mother visited him and got the local congregation to put pressure on him. She also telephoned and wrote to him regularly to make sure he attended.

    His parents in the past have been treated very badly by the JWs (long story) but they are still in the thick of it despite being in their eighties.

    My husband thinks that because his mother converted she could never admit that she is wrong and for this reason will not stop attending.

    Just wondered what others thought on the subject?

    However, we haven't attended now for around 2 years and have moved 150 miles away from the KH we attended but we think MIL may be on the warpath again!


  • brotherdan

    Born-ins rarely stay in. I'd say a good 80% of them leave after turning 18.

  • 3Mozzies

    I think more converted ones leave, as born-ins are more brain washed.

    I could be wrong . . .


  • miseryloveselders

    According to that PEW study, 2/3 of born ins leave. I don't know if that study touches on converts though.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    these days most are born ins because as far as I could see seldom was there a young adult from outside getting baptized or any age really most had some witness connection.

    so right now the exodus is mostly born ins

    I though was converted at the door when I was 35 with no witness connections and I will admit "I MADE A BIG MISTAKE" it wasn't the truth so I left.

    From all the experiences I've heard here I'm glad I wasn't raised in it.

  • Leolaia

    Just in my experience, more born-ins and raised-ins leave than converted people. In my own congregation, Bm, Ss, Sn1, Sn2, Bg, Sk, Sj, Bn3, me, my sister were the youths belong to the same rough age cohort (give or take 6 years). First Ss (who was my best friend in elementary school) was disfellowshipped and never came back, then Sk was reproved, and then later disfellowshipped, then me and my sister left at the same time, then I later got in touch with Sj and found out that she too had left. So that's at least 5 out of 10. Sn1 and Sn2 are daughters of a strict elder, and they were erstwhile pioneers, so I think they stayed. Bg was handicapped and had few opportunities outside the congregation, so I think he stayed. I don't know about Bn3 (the brother of Sj) but I wouldn't be surprised if he left as well. Same thing possibly about Bm.

  • dinah

    Thinking back, the congregation I grew up in had mostly born-ins or were the children of converts and were indocrinated from the age of roughly 2-5.

    Out of about 30-something kids I knew back in the day and grew up with-----I've only heard of 5 or 6 who are still in.

    The number of converts that I know of--- I'd say about 50% are still in (one got the idea that he was Moses--he was crazy to start with).

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Wow, thanks for all your interesting replies.

    I only attended for six years with my husband and thankfully was never baptised - he wouldn't let me.



    More born and raised in,leave..

    Proof that it`s possible for parents without a brain,can produce children with a brain..

    No one is sure why 0+0= A Brain..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • dinah

    I would venture to say the majority on this site were born-in and left.

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