Christians: Do you believe Jesus is the only way?

by sabastious 209 Replies latest jw friends

  • wiser

    -Sab, Sorry. One of the many doctrines that our faith disagrees with the JWs was hell. Our hell is not ghenna, but a real place of torment. Rev20:14-15.

  • notverylikely

    Ew, Coyote's must taste horrible.

    I wouldn't know. I've only killed them when they were killing our animals.

  • sabastious
    -Sab, Sorry. One of the many doctrines that our faith disagrees with the JWs was hell. Our hell is not ghenna, but a real place of torment. Rev20:14-15.

    Is Ghandi in hell right now?


  • wiser

    -Sab, According to scripture no one is in hell right now. First, all mankind must be judged this will take place at the end of time. No one knows whether Ghandi accepted Christ or not. Only God himself knows all humankind and their hearts at death.

  • sabastious
    No one knows whether Ghandi accepted Christ or not.

    I think we could figure that based on his words and actions.


  • Ding


    By "trust the Bible," I mean at least believe that it accurately records the words of Jesus.

    By "still trust" I meant I was acknowledging that there are many on this forum who used to believe that the Bible was the word of God who no longer believe that.

    Apropos to this thread, there's also John 3:16-18: "16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
    eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

    If you're offended by verse 18, don't blame me. I didn't write it. Just reminding everyone of what it says because it's relevant to the discussion.

  • sabastious
    By "trust the Bible," I mean at least believe that it accurately records the words of Jesus.

    So it's ok to believe that the Bible didn't accurately record the Hebrew history? Or if Paul was a nutcase? And still be in your definition of "trusting the Bible"?


  • sabastious

    The conversation I am having with some Christians on this thread REALLY reminds me of some of the debates I have had with Witnesses in regards to the DF'ing arrangement.

    The Witnesses just can't get it out of their head that DF'ing isn't loving. They refuse to examine their belief.

    They put the blinders up and hide behind pious words.

    Very similar to what is going on here in this thread.


  • thenoblelodge

    I guess everyone is blind until they see things the way we want them to.

  • notverylikely

    I guess everyone is blind until they see things the way we want them to.

    No, until they take off the blinders and look at all sides.

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