Does your wife know you are doing this MadJWWannabe?
Lady Lee- who are you, and what's YOUR story?
by theMadJW 422 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you don't know how to look at Lady Lee's threads and posts, you truly are stupid.
I'll be glad to do the 'research'- tell me where to look, please.
From a highly calibrated mind developed from many years of intensive training.
He's a JW. He doesn't know how to research anything. He's waiting for the WBTS to do the research for him.
c'mon you guys, you know jw's do not understand research nor have any idea where to start. Shall we see how long it takes him or should someone give him a little hint?
how about
type in Lady Lee Watchtower
THANK you, Issac! Thought they were referring to some Topics here.
look at some topics here, ok? if u do, u will see her extensive comments regarding her background and the help she has given to those in need.
I can't believe I have to explain to a poster how to look something up who's been here over a year and has over 1300 posts.
I do not know about here...but if you go to posts started by her...perhaps the title will tell of it being a biographical thread.
"I Left Jehovah’s Witnesses A Couple of years ago. Things Were OK For A Long Time But Now I Feel Depressed And Like Such A Failure. What Can I Do?"
Keep your mind focused on the things ABOVE, not on the things here BELOW!