Lady Lee- who are you, and what's YOUR story?

by theMadJW 422 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    Thought they were referring to some Topics here.- duh, ever go the home page instead of active topics? or do you only look at your own threads?

    Sorry, I couldn't stand it anymore he needed a little hint. Do you truly prefer to stay completely ignorant? Lady Lee is all over the place! what's the matter with you? do you really not understand research that my kids could do in second grade?

  • theMadJW

    Again, thanks, Issac! Will do so throut the week!

    We ARE our own worst enemy!

  • isaacaustin

    Check out youtube too I think MadJW...I think there are some videos.

  • brotherdan

    Lady Lee is a huge asset to the exJW community. Her experience is heart breaking and uplifting at the same time. She posts articles regularly at, and is an expert in the field of mind control and abuse in the organization. You could learn a thing or two from her, MadJW.

  • theMadJW

    GASP! Some kindness from BD????

    The END of the world is HERE!


    IF I could find another group that:

    1- Honored Jesus' God Jehovah, as well as His son

    2- Obeyed the King's command to Preach

    3- Preached the TRUTH about all those things (spirit, kingdom, hell, etc), and

    4- Had no paid clergy

    I'd become ONE of them!

    Bottom Line: ANY group will have many faults, and have Pretenders, so one MUST look past people- or one will NEVER have any REAL faith...

  • theMadJW

    So, YES- I SEE the "Mind Control"- but guess WHAT?

    The Objective is to keep us FOCUSED on God, Christ & Kingdom- even tho coprolite is often thrown in!



    Your asking what you refuse everyone else..

    Lucky for you JWN has a search engine..

    If you put as much effort into finding Lee`s Story,as you do being a Real JW..

    Youl`ll never find anything out about her..

    Maybe the WBT$ will write about Lady Lee in a Watchtower,just for you..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Legolas

    Hummm this guy has the smell of Evilforce to...just saying

  • minimus

    Mad JW, you should be a Bible Student.

  • brotherdan

    You know, MadJW, you are on the brink of an epiphany. Here is the thing you are missing. No GROUP or ORGANIZATION can fulfill all those things. That includes the WT society. That also includes Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics, and every other religious organization out there. That is why the FDS is NOT the head of the congregation. If you recall, it is JESUS that is the head of the congregation (or more accurately translated CHURCH).

    Individual Christians make up the body of Christ. A corporation does NOT make up the body of Christ. He deals with us on an individual basis. I've come to the conclusion that there are true christians located in MANY different religious groups. I think there are true christians that are JWs. I think there are true christians that are baptists. And...get ready for this, because it will blow your JW mind...I think there are true Christians that are...CATHOLICS!!! *GASP!!!!*

    Also, I am a very nice and kind person. Most people on the board will agree with that. It is true that I get frustrated at you quite a bit because it seems that you have your own agenda and are not here to learn from the experience of others, but to berate and belittle anyone that has different beliefs than you do. I used to do the same as a JW. But now I've learned that I can respect the views of others and agree to disagree. I've had a tough time with atheists, but I'm starting to understand where they are coming from.

    Why I get so frustrated with you don't seem to do that. I only see intolerance and arrogance coming from what you say. Who knows. Maybe I am reading you wrong. But that's the way you come across. And I see that most people who respond to you on this board feel like this too. And what may start out as an intelligent dialogue and exchanging of ideas becomes an opportunity for you to berate others and use your buzz words like "Churchianity" to degrade others. If you REALLY feel like you have the truth, just remember that you will attract more bees with honey than with acid, MadJW. You might want to change your name too. Don't be so mad and angry all the time. Lose some of that sarcasm. Stop taking yourself so seriously and when someone has a good point, acknowledge that.

    Just some words of advice for you.

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