Geez, what a tub of bull manure from all this. Don't know White Dove, she have a history of being a "Drama Queen", what is her back story as a jw? She met the guy, did you? She got the vibes, did you? So her BS meter was running full throttle, a desion was made based on that, big deal. Lots of jumping to conclisions being made here is what I see. No person, especialy a woman, can, in this day and time, be to carefull. I stand by White Dove's desion, whether he's a dickhead, or pervert, makes no difference, unless someone, who knows White Dove better than I, can PM me with informtion that points in a different direction I'm with her. His working in a Mental Health Clinc makes no difference, he may be a janitor for all we know. A persons title, or job does not impresse me. Dirt bags, perverts and sleazes are found in all porfessions.
Sleaze Update...
by White Dove 209 Replies latest social relationships
cognizant dissident
I agree Quentin, but shouldn't the poor guy actually have to do something deviant, sexually perverted and sleazy before being called one? That's all I'm sayin....
I'd hate to have some of you on my jury, if I was ever accused of a crime with no evidence....
I go with my gut reaction too and if that was hers, fine I agree, lose him. I also feel a woman can't be too careful. I have sons also and so I hear their side of this story too. I still say she protest too much.
I 100% agree it does not matter what his profession is , unless in this case he was her doctor or therapist.
Sorry but my dad would have said-
-- jesus h christ, what a sh*t storm ( archie bunker may have said that too)
or maybe he said Jeez a lou ( short for Jeez louise)
Since WD is deaf prehaps she needs someone to check out her dates before she accepts. A good friend could do that. It does make it more difficut to get a real feeling about someone without all ones senses. the written word often does not trasnslate over to the spoken word.
well CD, you need a drink, then :)
I am lost! So what happened? The last time I had sex in a park was exciting :-)
I'm having sex in the park right now and reading this thread at the same time.
Think About It
I'm having sex in the park right now and reading this thread at the same time.
While drinking a hot Starbucks coffee, even though it's 106 outside.
Think About It
I agree Quentin, but shouldn't the poor guy actually have to do something deviant, sexually perverted and sleazy before being called one?...(Cognizant dissident)...
Good Point, yet why place yourself in a position to become a victum, or new statistic?
I'd hate to have some of you on my jury, if I was ever accused of a crime with no evidence....(Cognizant dissident)
Sadly, more people are convicted on circumstanual evidence than anything. No, the defendent was not actualy seen standing over the body with asmoking gun, but he did do thus and so, which lead to this and that, which caused that to happen. Leading to the conclusion he was standing over the body with a smoking gun.
This topic touches on both sides of the subject.....Sleaze, or not to sleaze, that is the question. Being antylitacal is hard on the brain cells.
I have been the victim and survivor myself. The pervs do know who they can target. I tend to be very careful and do not blame WD for using her BS meter. I do it too.
On the other hand I am not going to let these unfortunate events turn me into a man hater. I am just very careful.
I have sons and hear the other side of the story all the time. All men are not rapists or pervs.
I agree, White Dove, that you should trust your deepest instinct.
Please know that my criticism of your words on this forum is simply about words on the internet. If you feel this guy is dangerous or a loser, get rid of him.