Chalam, in Hebrew:
Holy= pure, clean, set aside
Spirit= breath, wind (invisible force. ALL force is ACTIVE)
by Joliette 109 Replies latest watchtower bible
Chalam, in Hebrew:
Holy= pure, clean, set aside
Spirit= breath, wind (invisible force. ALL force is ACTIVE)
the small a god in john 1/1 is the n.w.t. bigest fault if you took the name jehovah out of it nobody would complain about that bible anymore! thats the issue here everyone knows it! come on look at the good news for modern man translation! nobody complains about its acuracy! put the word jehovah in the bible and their is to much talk about wittnesses of jehovah for comfort! and the name jehovah just plain anoys the wicked!
doesn't annoy me Matt, and I'm one of the wicked.
arim- do real research:
Translators ADD caps and "a"s - since there ARE no "a"s in Greek, nor upper & lower case.
Compare translations for Ex 7:1 as well as John 1:1.
"making you god to pharaoh"
Some add caps, some add "a"s, some add BOTH to make it understandable!
theMadJW Chalam, in Hebrew:
Holy= pure, clean, set aside
Spirit= breath, wind (invisible force. ALL force is ACTIVE)
So you admit the words "active" and "force" are not in the Hebrew and the WT is indeed paraphrasing, not translating.
Clearly, the NWT fails the WT claim of being the "most accurate" translation by the second verse!
Neither is the word "Ghost", as in -snicker!- the 'Holy GHOST'!
By capturing the TRUE meaning of the Hebrew, as well as what the holy spirit REALLY is it is just more PROOF as to how accurate and honest it IS, Chalam.
Or are you one who worships a Nameless Ghost-God?
Neither is the word "Ghost", as in -snicker!- the 'Holy GHOST'!
Which translation are you reading? Another contender for the "most accurate"?
<< Genesis 1:2 >> |
By capturing the TRUE meaning of the Hebrew, as well as what the holy spirit REALLY is it is just more PROOF as to how accurate and honest it IS, Chalam.
So you agree, the NWT is not a translation i.e. capturing the meaning, not the exact words.
Or are you one who worships a Nameless Ghost-God?
No, I worship Jesus, My Lord and My God.
Ah, that explains it; thus the common translation (main customer being church-people) translate it to fit your dogma!
The holy spirit has been divided into sections, poured out, and fills true believers? (It's the POWER of God)
Are you filed up with your imaginary Ghost-God ? Have a piece of 'Him'?
MadJW, IF the name YHWH WAS used by 1st century Christians, how would this name be pronounced today? We DON'T KNOW WHAT VOWELS WERE USED. AND they almost certainly were not the ones we are using today.
If my name was James, and due to language rules it was written as JMS, and then someone came along and said, "His name is Jomas", could you say that my name is Jomas? Could you enforce the rule that the ONLY ones that TRUELY knew me were REQUIRED to use my name Jomas? Jomas was NOT my name. My name was James!!! I would be angry at those that insisted on using a fictitious name and enforcing that everyone call me by this name.
This is exactly what you and your organization has done. While admitting that the vowels are almost certainly NOT correct, you enforce the use of this fictitious name.
Jesus did not tell us to talk to "Jehovah". He told us to talk to and get to know our Father. And that is who I talk to. My Father. Not a mythical person, like you do.
You almost sound SERIOUS, Dan!
Too bad you're either illiterate, or haven't read your Bible-
Ex 3:14- And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said,Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
15- And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children
of Israel,
the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you:
this is my name FOREVER,
and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Jesus said to HONOR that Name, not just the title "Father" .