Disfellowshiping is a blessing!

by brotherdan 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    So yesterday my MIL did the token believing df'd person thing and told my wife that if she had not been df'd she would not have corrected her course of action. It was a devistating blow to everything that I've been working on with my wife. Her mom said if she had not been df'd she would have spread lies about my wife's dad and would have still wanted to be with her ex-boyfriend. She said that being df'd gave her time to think about her actions and see how wrong they were.

    I had nothing I could say. I just shook my head and agreed with my wife. I was shocked. This is the same person who 2 weeks ago told me that she was having major problems with the organization and hated the lack of love that was being shown to her.

    The best I could say was, "Well if it took these men imposing these rules on her, and THAT is what got her to change, then what does that say about her faith? Is it genuine?"

    My wife came back with, "That is why there must be consequences in society. If there were no consequences, you would do anything." I told her that I would not. My faith is based on love for God and not fear of consequences.

    I felt like I was at an impass. My arguments weren't good enough.

    Has anyone else heard a df'd person call their df'ing a blessing and speak positively about it? Does anyone agree with this view?

  • undercover
    Has anyone else heard a df'd person call their df'ing a blessing and speak positively about it?

    That's the indoctrination. That's what the WTS teaches their followers to believe...that it's loving discipline.

  • brotherdan

    So what do you say when someone brings it up? How can you argue that it is in fact destructive, in most cases? I was argumentless (made up word).

  • Gayle

    Wow,,how sad. It's like hearing from someone that they don't go around killing people because they would have to go to jail. Scarey!

    Or, someone saying the reason they don't commit adultery is only because they would be disfellowshipped. Not a sign of a good or healthy marriage.

    This fear of DF controls,,but not really for long,, and then there becomes side effects or negativity. It doesn't instill healthy positive motivations in the long run.

  • brotherdan

    Very well said, Gayle. When did you leave the WT, Gayle?

    I wish I had thought of those exact words when I was talking to my wife. I actually did use the "murder" illustration, but she was in fight mode and nothing gets through when she's in fight mode.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." -Adolf Hitler

    Like the abused, battered wife who crawls back to her violent husband and thanks him for being so gracious as to take her back.

    Sorry to hear about that step backwards for the mrs.

  • undercover
    So what do you say when someone brings it up? How can you argue that it is in fact destructive, in most cases? I was argumentless

    If you're talking about a full on believer of the WTS' BS, then there ain't much you can use in argument because... they ain't listening to you. It's a waste of breath.

    You can reason with logical, objective people, but not cult victims who have drunk, or are willing to drink the Kool-Aid, figuratively speaking. As long as people want to believe, no amount of evidence contrary to their belief system is going to make a dent.

    It's frustrating to deal with, because you're operating on two different levels. You're trying to appeal to logic and common sense; they're using...well, actually they're not using much of anything. They've been trained like a parrot what to repeat. They know how to say it, but they aren't thinking about it, they're just repeating it. You're arguing with a talking parrot, more or less...

  • brotherdan

    But here is the sad thing...I think she's right. If she wasn't df'd she would still probably be with that guy and bad mouthing her innocent husband. That's why all I could say is, "Well what does that show about the quality of her faith?" But it's so frustrating because the fact that my wife INITIATED the conversation shows that it was bothering her and she had been thinking about it.

    So far the score is:

    WT: 10

    brotherdan: 0


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Who ever said blackmail doesn't work?

  • brotherdan

    She's got more to blackmail me with than I do with her!

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