What proves that Jehovah's Witnesses are the wrong religion?
by asilentone 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Actually, since the JWs claim that they're the "right" religion...or in their words, they alone have the "Truth" then they should be the one to "prove" it.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
That question implies that there is a "right" religion in the sense of "is this the religion of the true god or gods that we need to worship for some purpose". I suppose in the larger sense, for those that need religion, there some that are for some people and some that are right for others.
1. An incredible string of false prophecies about the end of the world as documented in many threads on this website. See also Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
2. Multiple flipflops in doctrine as documented in many threads on this website.
3. Numerous false doctrines as documented in many threads on this website.
4. Presumptuously claiming that the only way to Jesus is through association with their organization.