Anyone else have any experience of a couple of months after leaving the org...feelings etc??
My husband has left too and feels the same as i do.. but we just seem to be arguing constantly at the moment, though i do feel this may be my own fault! I feel soooo angry, bitter and annoyed at how things have turned out. I am 29, at home with 2 children, i feel like i have wasted 29 years, with only a couple friends left and NOTHING else! I have no focus in life anymore... I am trying to pray but it seems to just fade half way through, almost like i feel 'he' isnt listening to me anyway.
Only last week I was going for a full time job, I was going to get my 2 year old in nursery full time.... to cut a long story short, it was not worth it financially, so Im stuck at home now til she gets to nursery a year from now!
I do fill my life with things every day, I dont just sit and surf the net all day, I do have to occupy my 2 year old, but i just feel really really lost.
Before, when attending meetings, I would visit friends, and they would always pop by here.
Now ... nothing! My life with my husband is becoming tedious, and he has become really insecure.
I want good things to happen but nothing! I just feel lost, and alone.
Anyone else with any exeprience of how they felt 2 months or so post-leaving?