I can see some newbies that are just reading what is being said and getting turned off by some of the posts and threads.
I know of 2 at least.
Too "rude", too much "anger" and one even said that their views of those that have left ( bitter, angry and spiteful) were confirmed.
One mentioned that some posters talk down to JW's as if they have brain problems and are stupid.
I mentioned that while some people can get overly emotional and may not always have the tools to express themselves in a positive way to others that their intentions are good and their hearts in the right place.
I think that soemtimes people forget that if a JW is here thatis already a very big step and that if they have concerns and issue with their religion, it doesn't mean that they have issues with their faith or are on their way to being atheists so that its open season on God, Jesus and all their muchachos.