I've noticed a peculiar human trait lately....

by Terry 49 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • 1Robinella

    Unfortunately, people can be very rude and abnoxious. I'd start charging them.

  • Terry

    I took my daughter to a Barnes and Noble awhile back and noticed the place was practically empty. Whatever "customers" were there were plopped

    in a chair thumbing through magazines for an hour. I have seen a lot of major chain bookstores go under. Retail prices are tough when the average hardback is almost thirty bucks a pop.

    We greet every customer who comes in our door (just like Starbucks!) We have limited chairs and tables, however along with free coffee.

    When I take my daughters to Starbucks on Sunday night there is always a plethora of Free Wi-Fi students gathered inside and outside on the patio. I don't see any coffee on their table---but heck--who knows?

    With businesses fighting for every cent of the customer's money every courtesy must be extended.

    You really can't have the attitude of adversary opinion if you are in a people pleasing business. You have to bend over backwards and go the extra mile.

    I just thought it was.......I guess the word would be "interesting" that a genuine feeling of entitlement comes with largesse.

    People are challenging everywhere; even on discussion groups such as this one!

  • serenitynow!

    Terry, I do agree that many people have a sense of entitlement. I also have noticed what I consider to be an inability to cope with disappointment. Is it that these people who rant and rave and demand coffee that they didn't pay for feel it is their right to have the coffee since the coffee had always been there on previous visits, or are they just not used to adjusting to change? For a normal person if the free coffee isn't there, you just sigh and say "ok" and go along with your day.

    Maybe because I've had to deal with lots of disappointment in my life, I've learned to cope when things don't go my way.

  • moshe

    Our society in the USA is having a hard time adjusting to so may out of work people and they are always looking for free stuff, not that I blame anyone. My able bodied son told me he has gone to charities and gotten free clothes, food, etc. Just because it's free. They had to buy new chairs for the local inner city library- bed bugs! - and now the main homeless shelter had to get rid of 1/3 of its beds- bed bugs again. Give'm coffee, but don't give them a chair, Terry, or you might start scratching!!

  • beksbks

    LOL Moshe! Apparently bed bugs are damn near an epidemic lately. Posh hotels too!! Beware!


  • sooner7nc

    Penis's like little knives? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

  • beksbks

    Hehehe isn't she awesome?? LOL

    Sorry Terry for the off topic.

  • misocup

    PSacramento - what a great idea!

  • BurnTheShips
    An embryo has no rights. Rights do not pertain to a potential, only to an actual being. A child cannot acquire any rights until it is born. The living take precedence over the not-yet-living.

    This 17 week old fetus thinks this statement is funny.


  • Markfromcali

    Though cliche' this makes me think of the saying, or is it a bumper sticker that the best things in life aren't things. People are hardly aware of the rights they naturally have, let alone exercise them, but give them something tangible like coffee then they have something to fixate on.

    I was also just reminded of Max Webers definition of the state as an institution that claims a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Hmm, how does that relate to our rights?

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