When did you stop supporting the WT with $$$ ??

by wobble 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yesidid

    My husband and I were very generous givers.

    As someone said "I'm sure they miss our money more than us".

  • Woody22

    I quit giving 30 years ago when they give me the boot. I was never a big donor before that. I had alarge family to fedd and clothe.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I was always too nieve and too generous. Fell for the crap about it being God's org. and the Truth.

    When I was very new in the JW's it was announced we were going to built a new KH. The elders would give talks to encourage people to give and that Jehovah would bless those that did. Although having been laid off work for 3 months, I took every penny I had in savings and donated it to the KH building fund. It wasn't a huge amount, but it was thousands of dollars. The point was I truly gave 100% of what I had. Later as I got more involved and was reaching out, it was plain to see that the elders & others were well off financially, but only gave very little. It really didn't bother me, but I thought it was hypocritical.

    What's funny is after leaving the JW's, I finally started becoming wealthy.

    Think About It

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Back in the day when I was naive, I just threw a 20 dollar bill now and then into the box to cover general overhead. That was it. One time when they had a renovation I gave a modest amount. I may have taken a poor friend to lunch now and then and paid their gas or groceries but I never gave money to deadbeats. I also never gave what some here refer to as 'green handshakes'. I suppose this is something a man would do for some circuit overseer or missionary. I had no intention of doing it. I didn't believe in 'gifts' to people who chose not to be part of the workforce. After all, this religion claimed it had 'no clergy', so I had no intention of treating anybody there as such!

    When my eyes were opened as to the religion's disdain and contempt for college education and careers and their appalling attitude towards single women (they couldn't care if we starved to death and we would be the last ones to be helped), I was determined never to give anything to the religion. As far as I was and am concerned, the religion can go to hell.

    I'm a single gal too, and I felt the same as LHG. I may have thrown in $20 here and there, but that was it. Maybe $10 at the assemblies. And I never heard of "green handshakes" either!

  • wobble

    Thanks for all your comments everybody !

    It is interesting to see that many of us gave with caution and a vague sense that we were being ripped off, confirmed when we left.

    Looking back I stopped my generous giving at a point where my problems with their doctrines were growing, I can remember thinking that if Jehovah is blessing this religion he can provide the cash.

    I wonder if giving is really badly on the decline now, for a variety of reasons ?

    I do hope so, the only thing that will finish the Borg is lack of cash.

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